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Mistrustful and insecure SO


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Good morning all,


Have any of you dealt with an insecure or generally mistrustful SO?


BF and I have been together 8 months and a couple things have happened that he says made him mistrust me. He had an abusive and rough childhood and his last girlfriend cheated, so he’s admitted he has trouble trusting people. I understand as I have my own insecurities, but am actively working through them.


- While looking up something on my phone last month, he somehow pulled up a POF deletion site and thought I was still using dating apps. I deleted all my dating apps when we became boyfriend/girlfriend. Even weirder since I never used POF even while I was online dating, so I don’t even know how that got on my phone.


- I got a random call recently from a guy I went on a few dates with 2 years ago, and had him blocked since January of last year because he wouldn’t stop texting me even though he ghosted me first, then tried to come back and I stopped responding to him. He called me from a new number and I didn’t know it was him. He tried acting like nothing had happened. BF thought I had been in contact with him this whole time, so I showed him the call logs and the blocked texts, but he still feels a certain way about it.


- BF also found a sweater laying around in some corner of my apartment that wasn’t his, and demanded to know who it belonged to. I had never seen that sweater before so I had no answer. Thought maybe it got mixed up with my laundry somehow (I use the communal laundry room in my apartment), or it belonged to my ex (it was the brand he preferred but I have no way to verify, as I no longer have his number). He thought it was off that I had no explanation, but I honestly had no idea where it came from. I generally am a little forgetful and can’t remember if it was my ex’s or even if it was left by a family member who visited in the past.


Do those things make me look untrustworthy? He’s let it go and chose to trust me, but I know it’s still in the back of his mind. Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance!

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