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I really think that i need help.

Resently i have been falling into saviour fits of depression and it's destroying me and my other and i'm not sure how many more of them i can go through.

My life isn't ideal, my boyfriend lives over 200 miles away and sometimes because of this i feel neglected. When i feel this way he simply doesn't understand where i'm coming from, it's either "teenage angst" or "female hormones" i can't simply be down.

I could have never dealt with this without him but lately they've been getting worse and worse and it's got to a point now where i dont think he's going to stick arouns forever because of this.

Being blue is no fun.

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Why don't you see a therapist? Talk out your problems? If you feel uncomfortable with that, do you have a strong support system at home that you can talk with? Maybe your boyfriend, who lives far away, isn't the best one to vent to. I'm sure he's under stress (living away, missing you) so his response to your feelings may not be what you're looking for...

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I tried i therapist once and all he seemed interested in doing is filling me full of drugs. I haven't been back to see once since then. I dont have support at home.

I understand now why my boyfriend might not be the best person to go to. I couldn't see it before because he was the only thing i had.

Thank you for helping me see it. It looks like a therapist then, somethings got to be done, i cant loose him.

Thank you.

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do you have any siblings? or a really close girl friend to talk to? it sounds to me like you are too young to be dealing with a pretty hard situation. or there could be other stresses in your life that are manifesting themselves in this one large one. just a few ideas...i know when i get really down and feeling like i'm about to lose my mind it always helps in some way to talk to my best friend or my sister because they know me the best and they understand me better than i do....hope this helps a bit.

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I have an older brother. But we were never close and my best friend is my boyfriend. it's probably just me but i dont feel close enough to tell anyone else. I do feel better after talking to my boyfriend but i don't think he needs this.

Thank you for your help and advise. Extremely appreciated.

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