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  1. I have an older brother. But we were never close and my best friend is my boyfriend. it's probably just me but i dont feel close enough to tell anyone else. I do feel better after talking to my boyfriend but i don't think he needs this. Thank you for your help and advise. Extremely appreciated.
  2. I tried i therapist once and all he seemed interested in doing is filling me full of drugs. I haven't been back to see once since then. I dont have support at home. I understand now why my boyfriend might not be the best person to go to. I couldn't see it before because he was the only thing i had. Thank you for helping me see it. It looks like a therapist then, somethings got to be done, i cant loose him. Thank you.
  3. I really think that i need help. Resently i have been falling into saviour fits of depression and it's destroying me and my other and i'm not sure how many more of them i can go through. My life isn't ideal, my boyfriend lives over 200 miles away and sometimes because of this i feel neglected. When i feel this way he simply doesn't understand where i'm coming from, it's either "teenage angst" or "female hormones" i can't simply be down. I could have never dealt with this without him but lately they've been getting worse and worse and it's got to a point now where i dont think he's going to stick arouns forever because of this. Being blue is no fun.
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