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is he flirting or just blending in?

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There's this teacher at school who just started sitting at our lunch table (which is really crowded, so no one really knows why he sat down) and I need to know the meaning of things he says to me.


Last week, I was in the middle of a convo with one of my friends, and I hear my teacher saying to my other friend, a couple seats down, to "not mess with me." I turned and asked him why, and he said to my friend "Just don't mess with her 'cause she thinks she's bad since she started wearing her paper-clip necklace." i wasn't embarrassed, but i was shocked that he had something to say, so I came back to him with something like "At least I don't have to grow facial hair to look cool." and we kept going at it until lunch was over...


was he flirting or was he just trying to blend into the teenage atmosphere with all the teasing and poking fun at people? It seems kind of petty, i know, but i really would like to know.


thanks for any ideas on whats going on.


confused987, who is really confused!

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I would normally tell some guy to sit somewhere else, but seeing as how this is a teacher, what then? I'm surprised that you two argued- he should know better, and I would say you should have respect for a teacher but this guy doesn't seem to be much of an authority figure. Shoudn't he be at the teacher's lounge or something? You could ask him why he's sitting there. Do you like having him sit there? You put it in Attraction and Flirting so I'm guessing you have a crush on him. If you're in the U.S., and he truly tries to start something with you, it's illegal- So forget it if you had any romanntic ideas.

What you've said doesn't really sound like flirting but it just doesn't make any sense.

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i dont think that he is flirting... i think that he's just trying to get closer to u guys and be cool... i have a teacher like that.. he always comes and sit with us and he keeps making fun of everyone.. sometimes he plays with my hair and pushes me and my friends.. i dont think its a big deal.. i think ur teacher is just trying to be fun and is also trying to make the students get closer to him...

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ya.. i think what DN and angelic34 said is whats going on.. he's just trying to be cool and funny and many teachers in my school are like that... but the question now is, is he like that with everyone or just u?.... if he does all this with u only, then u should talk to someone in ur school about it...

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He sat there because my friend (who I should go and kill right now, by the way) waved him over when she saw him buying his lunch. She knows I have this ridiculous crush on him, so she calls him to come sit over and forget about eating with the boring english teacher.


He wasn't dead serious about what he was saying-- he was doing it in a playful, flirt-ish way, which is why I don't understand.


I don't mind him sitting there, but i have this thing where I'm really nervous around him, so it's hard to do anything.



And I haven't seen him act this way around anyone else, but i could be wrong.

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I just think it is inappropriate. I don't think that he is teaching you anything during lunch, so you shouldn't have to hear from him.


During lunch you should be talking to people your own age, not twice your age. If you wanted to see him, then you would make an appointment to see him, he shouldn't be following you in the lunch room.


This is just my opinion, you don't have to listen, do what you think is best.

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