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There's this guy that goes to my church and my school that I've known for a long time and I really like him.

I've just gotten out of a long term relationship and was feeling really lousy about myself but I feel like I'm ready to date again.

I've tried talking to him and asked if he wanted to go to the movies or something he said yes but then had to cancel because family came over...I waited a couple of weeks to talk to him again and I was sitting in the hall with some of my friends and he came up to me and asked me how I was doing and stuff...is that a good sign?

I'm not very familiar with dating and how guys communicate because I was in a relationship from grade 9 to mid grade 11

Then I approached him in the halls and asked him out again and he said yes and asked me what days I was free and he'd look at his schedule to see what day we could hang out. A couple days later he went on this school trip and my friend was with him because they're in the same class and I was talking to her on her cell phone when she gave it to the guy I liked. He asked me how I was and stuff like that and we had small talk and stuff. Since they were back from the trip early and he didn't have to work I asked if he could hang out and he just said he was too tired.

He hasn't made an effort to try and talk to me and reschedule our "date" and I don't know if he will..I just don't know what to do in the situation...should I keep persisting or should I just leave it alone? I just really need some advice.

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