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I know you will never read this...

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So here I am all broken hearted and thinking of you. You left on a trip yesterday and didn't say where. You said you felt depressed and had to clear your mind. You said you didn't want to talk now and asked me not to call. So now what? Every minute feels like an hour, and I feel helpless. Could it be because you turn 34 tomorrow?


You are divorced and lived through a small hell when you were married. Before marrying him you both dated since you were 15. After your divorce you dated another jerk. Do you see a pattern here?

I get this feeling that you've been mistreated for so long that maybe you think it's normal or that's true LOVE , and when someone like me comes along and loves you with all his heart and treats you like a woman, you don't know how to handle it.


I never disrespected you, I never made you cry. I am always there for you when you need me. I would risk my life to save yours. You consider me a Good Guy, (not one of those spineless , whimpy good guys).

I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. And even though other women have approached me I have no space or desire in me heart for any other. A friend once asked me what is one thing I would change about you physically, and I answered "Not one hair". That's how I feel about you.


I am sad and disappointed that you will not give me the chance to call you on your birthday tomorrow, I was really looking forward to it, and I know you were going to love the gift I got you. I guess all I can do now is wait, keep busy, try to understand and not to get angry at you for shutting me out.


In the end I am at peace when I look back to the day we first met (10 months ago), I feel good knowing that I treated you like the wonderful woman you are. It's too bad that when you look in the mirror you don't see the beautiful person that I see in you.


I know you will never read this but I feel good writing it, and who knows maybe someone out there has gone (or is going ) through this and can help make sense of it all.

Love isn't supposed to hurt.

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umm... who are you talking to?





love isnt supposed to hurt. it only does when you keep trying to hold onto it causing it to bloom into a lie. To love is to let go. It's the onward motion of life.


Letting go does not mean to live without. It means to be able to live.

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hello......well, i have been in an extremely similar situation, all i can say is that, people have to realize some things on thier own. no matter how much you tell someone they are amazing, and how unique and special they are, if they dont feel it, your words though genuine, encouraging and positive, dont mean truth to someone who doesnt see it in themselves. i think you should just let it be let her go and realize a few things for herself. if it doesnt work out, there is no doubt in my mind that she wouldnt look back and thing..."wow, i remember-------, he was probably the best man i ever did meet".....problem is you cant force someone to realize what you have to offer, the right person will recognize it all on their own. thats what you need. its great to be there for people, i love to be that person too, but sometimes people really need to discover their own worth before they can recognize someone else's. if she does come back, let her know that you would love the opportunity to continue and work on a healthy, happy relationship. but remember, you cant force someone to see something they dont, and constantly trying to prove yourself to someone is not healthy for you either. i went through this and it eventually starts putting a lot of doubt in your mind about this persons feelings for YOU (down the line,) negativity rubs off. now, again i dont know the entire situation....how old are you? anyways, just let her be. sometimes people are not at the right place in their lives to realize a great thing in their lives when they have it. they may see later on, and they may be so wrapped up in themselves and the things that went wrong in life to ever see it. that was my x-boyfriend. that is her loss. sounds harsh, but you cant be the hero all the time. you obviously have an awesome heart, and a lot of patients. keep it up, wherever you go or who ever you end up with those qualities come in handy. Dont fret over things you have no control over.Keep the faith in love alive. eventually the person for you will arrive, thats what i tell myself. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!

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