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Um.. your gender sign says you're a guy

are you male or female?


Yeah, no S*it! Some people are attracted to the same sex. Instead of questioning him on his gender maybe you should answer the question.


Anyway, since this guy is with a girl I think it is safe to assume that he must like her. You are still a young teenager and I think it's normal for people of the same and opposite sex to flirt. If I were you, I wouldn't read too much into his flirting since he does have a gf. If you really want to pursue it, find out how he feels about homosexuality. This may be difficult if you two are not friends. Somehow you have to find a way to work it into a conversation with him, so you would have to get to know him a bit.


Good luck!

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Wow, Ballys, take it easy..

I was just wondering, because I was just wondering if it was correct, because if he was a girl.. it would require totally different advice.. CHILL


But, I'd say.. not to move too fast, because how do you know this guy is even into other guys, since he has a current girlfriend, he might be bi.

So, just be a nice guy to him, and things will fall as they may.. you are in a situation where you cannot move too quickly if you ever want something to emerge later on with you two.

So, just be yourself, but maybe leave a few hints that you have a thing for him along the way.

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Since he has a girlfriend, let him come to you, which he will if he really is interested. If he is flirting with you, maybe he knows that you are gay. He may be bi, or he may be a straight guy who is cool with your sexuality (accepting). Either way, an accepting friend is a good thing, right?


What does he do that you consider to be flirting?

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best thing you can do is take it slow. See where this guy goes with it. Does his flirting bother you? No? Then don't worry about it so much. He might be a little unsure of how he feels. I know this can be confusing for you. If he is really interested in you, he will keep flirting. Have you tried flirting back? Maybe nothing big and dramatic, just give him the idea that you might be open to being more than friends (if that's what you're intersted in). As impossible as it may be, try not to read too much into everything he says and does. Just be yourself and let things go where they will.

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