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There is this lady who I fell in love with but the problem she is bipolar...read up on it and she has it bad. Her personality can change on the second and there is nothing I can do. She can go from caring for me to bitch in 2.5 seconds. Is there any medication...yes but her body cannot take it because she was belimic(SP?)and its hard on her fragile system. The doctors pretty much given up on her, and they are soooo incompetent around here its almost dangerous everyone around here knows that.


I don't know what to do....I can't get her off my mind. She just has to smile and my heart leaps When she is normal (RARE) there is nowewhere in the world I would rather be than in her arms. She broke up with me but I am still there for her because she needs me. She destroys her apartment in fits of rage almost every few days...I wish I could find her help but I can't afford to

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RUN, DON'T WALK AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN! She has a disease that you can not heal, you can not make better and the bad vibes and reactions from her will only drag you down into her obiss.


I, too was in a relationship with someone who was one loving, caring person and then BANG, he's gone, with his ex, doesn't want me to contact him or see him unless he tells me it's okay. Believe me when I say, I gave this man my trust, love, opened my home, gave him money and still he went back to his ex which if what he told me is true, is a BAD relationship as well.


You can't help her, she has to come to the idea of getting help and taking medication on her own.


Hope you see your way through this. I know it hurts. I still want to be with the man I love and care about, but I know it isn't healthy for me and that person in my mind tells me this is true. So, cry, morn the loss of your relationship but get as far away from her as possible.

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I know what you mean about loving someone who is so damn difficult. It sounds like you truly love her though. As much as people will tell you that it is not worth the trouble and that it is so stressful, i think they are all wrong. If you love someone enough, then there is absolutely no reason you should not be with them. Like the quote in the Mexican....."When you love someone so much, when do you get to the point where enough is enough? Never."

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(It's bulimic if it's the eating disorder, not to be elitist, just thought you wanted to know)


First off I wanted to say your compassion is more then admirable. I am very impressed that you choose to deal with this.


As for the doctors it can be hard to find good help sometimes. Bipolar has a variety of different medicinal treatments. The fact she's bulimic is probably directly related to her bipolar disorder. I can't see how that prevents her from taking medication. I suggest talking to your doctors about Lithium treatments, I personally suggest Lithonate (a superior brand in my mind), but the other brands are good as well. There are many other drugs that act as mood stabilizers. It is important to find a good physician to prescribe the dosage, drug, etc. You should never take drugs without prescription as it can make things worse.


Good luck finding a good, cheap doctor.

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Unfortunetly most of the good doctors go to the states, we have a few but who knows. They miss diagnosed her...according to her. Now she has this bipolar thing. I am going crazy here, its like being handed heaven then having it taken away before you get to step in and check it out..I just got to look


Some people only meet their true love once, or fall in love once. This is killing me

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  • 2 months later...

I know exactly what you are going through. My ex boyfriend is Bi polar and had al ot of emotional baggage. Were still close friends but it gets hetic and it's hard in these relationships. It's really hard to put up with it patience is the best thing to do i guess. Unfortunately with mine I finally had to break up with him because it was just too much and he couldn't hardly be around anyone else. He finally got some help. A lot of medications that people normally take for depression also work for people with Bi polar disorder. I would recomend she should see a psychiatrist about her options. While Medication does help a bit in extreme cases still see about talking and maybe taking her to a psychatrist or just trying to work it out. Being on medication takes a while for a lot of them to work properly. Get the dosage right etc can be real rough and doesn't always work for everyone. Just be patient and give her all your love and support.

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