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(Sorry this is so long, shes 19 im 21).



Well, i have other post's on the boards about how my ex and i broke up after 2.5 years together, we needed space apart from eachother etc.


Past week or so we have been talking a lot more, texting etc. Saturday we decided to get together and go to a local race track and watch a race, as friends of course, and it was akward in the beginning but after that it was like old times, laughing etc. We went with her cousins. Was fun. That night i brought her home because i was planning to go out with my friends for his birthday, she wanted to go, but couldn't get in because she didn't have an ID.


So i pulled up to her house, and we started talking again about what we both wanted. She said she didn't want to "Rush back into a relationship with me" and to "Take things slow, so we can figure out whats best, and so we dont have the same problems again if we decide to get back together". So we were both close to eachother, and I started to run my fingers through her hair, and we started kissing for awhile, then she started to get tears in her eyes. About how she loves me, etc.


So, after awhile of that, i let her go, and i went out with my buddies. She texted me a couple times that night, about how her shirt smells like me, etc.. "are you having fun, maybe you will meet another girl" kidding around and whatnot.


So that sunday i had to work, and she wanted me to call her that night after i got out, i did, and we talked for awhile again, and kinda got into a small argument about who should call who next, because i said "just call me when you have free time" cus she is so busy with school and work.


We got off the phone, and we talked briefly monday night, yesterday we were both free, so we decided to hang out. We went to the mall, got something to eat, walked around. Then went to the baseball fields to watch a game and just sit. I sat next to her, put my arms around her, etc. I didn't know if it was ok, but she didn't mind it.


It's hard being her friend, as we feel more than friends. I dropped her off that night, and said its hard being friends, we both love eachother but she wants to take things slow and not rush back into a relationship. She asked if she could give me a kiss, i said yes, and we kissed again. How should i handle this? It's hard hanging out not knowing if i can hold her hand, or kiss her. She left me a message the other night at 2am. "I couldnt sleep, i wanted to hear the sound of your voice so i could fall asleep, ill talk to you tomorrow, i love you".


I dont want to initiate NC, as we did that when we first broke up, and if i do it now, i think it will show her i dont want to make any effort in going back out with her. I know we both still love eachother, but what do you do when someone doesn't want to be in a relationship with you, but they continue to say they love you, but what to take things slow...

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What I have learned that sometimes a title isn't always important meaning being boyfriend and girlfriend.

Yall are now spending time together, going out on a regular basis, and also telling each other that 'I love you'. So does it really matter if a title is added to the relationship and you both are now doing what bf and gf does.

If yall are only seeing each other then yall are bf and gf but she is probably scared to say so, she wants yall to take it slow but you are the person she thinks about when she can't go to sleep at 2 in the morning.


Her actions are speaking clearly so just relax saying that yall are bf and gf is not really important if you both just have each other.


Remember what exactly is a title...mere words that don't have to mean committment...so calm down and go at the pace she chooses, only if she starts seeing another person and showing you the same affection which it doesn't sound like its happening then you should worry about title until then enjoy the time spent cuz honestly b/w you and I yall are bf and gf she just doesn't realize it yet!!!

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