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being in love with someone that is all wrong for me

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I love this guy alot, and I know that he is wrong for me, that his feelings are not the same. He doesn't treat me bad, he just isn't as serious about me as I am about him. I tried to date other guys but I find myself comparing everyone to him. He is the one person that I would like to spend my life with, but I think he just sees us as really good friends. I hope that someday I can get over him because I know it won't work out between us, but for right now it just kinda hard. ya know..

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im goin thro the same thing but its a girl,she is one the of the girls that likes to play boys likes have 3 boyfriends at the same time.i have dated other people to and it dont help.So i told her for us to mess and she said ok but then i realized im just hirting my self because she has a boyfriend so i broke up with her.Even though it hurts but i have to be strong and so do u.I figure if we belong together then let it be but i need paytions

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The same thing happened to me not too long ago. I fell head over heels for my best friend, a guy, and I have bent over backwards for him, drove many miles, done many favors, everything to please him. It got so bad that i got so bold enough to confess my feelings right to him. when I did, I found out that no matter what, for whatever reason (he was never clear about it) it would never be more than just the best of friends. I stoped talking to him for months because I had to get over him. It was the HARDEST!! but we have resumed our great frindship, and now i am thankful that he is still in my life, relationship or not. he is still my best friend and we hang out all the time. Go with your gut, its best to know the truth, even if it hurts. "you cant make the heart feel something it wont"

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