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heart broken twice by same man help me

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Three years ago I met the man of my dreams and fell in love then a year later. On our one year anniversary he broke my heart I thought I would die but I got over it and got on with my life. Then about five months later he came back to me and I decided I still loved him enough to give him another chance. I took A while for him to gain my trust and the first year of being together again was great. But now six months later (together 11 yr 6mnths again) We have broken up and I really want to crawl under a rock this time I feel like I ahve been cheated. We are still friends and he says it is for the best which it probably is as we were starting to fight a lot and we were no longer compatable and wanted different things. He has taken this break up really easy. I have been through this all before so why do I feel so empty and hurt and I can't stop crying. Why do I feel like I have no direction in life now. I don't understand how this could happen twice. Why do I have to love someone who never loved me as much back. I guess what I am asking is how do I get over this how do I stop hurting and how do I figure out what I want to do with my life now I need some sort of advice I am feeling so lostand alone

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Well, to get over him...make a list of everything you hate about him...listen to songs...i have some great ones, if you would like them add me to your messenger and i will send them to you. Talk to your friends, and family...but most of all you can also talk to all of us here at you are not alone. It is normal to feel lost and alone but you are not. There are a lot of people there for you...you're family friends and all of us here.


If you want to forget about him and heal, get busy with you life, work, friends, family, things you like to do.


And talk to God, if you are religious...if not no worries. Just keep busy, make a list of all you hate about him, listen to songs that will help you get over him and take care of you!


I hope this helps!


Good Luck!

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Usually when 2 lovers break up they wont date each other again, but in ur case itz a bit different. you are so sad and hurth because you still love him and the way he took it was probably because he didnt liked you as much as you tought he did. now ur life seems so lonely that u dont know what to do with it because you got too close to him, and in case that u didnt know or that u forgot, lemme remind u that guyz can break their gurlz ' heart. my advice is try talking to ur best friends, ur parents, do some sports, play ur instrument, go to movies, shopping.. blah, blah, blah ... whatever helps ur self-esteem and try forgeting about him.. also try talking a walk before you go to sleep... and remember that next time ull go out with some1 dont get that close 2 him that ull forget ur life.. always remember to include parents and friends in ur life as often as u can, not just ur boyfriend, so if ull break up with him, ur life wont feel so empty... so ull always have people to relay on and talk to when u need some1 2 talk 2...


Smile, Jesus LOVES you!



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Hey, almost the exact same thing happened to me, except we didn't go out for so long. I know that it hurts, but the best way for me to get over it was understand that God has a plan for all of us, and what doesn't kill you makes you stonger. Not long after Alex and I broke up, his best friend asked me out (ouch!) saying that his friend was an idoit for letting me go. Now, Rich and I are closer than ever! I know that you are hurting and need some time to recover, so if you want to talk, e-mail or IM me.

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Hi Melissa, the reason why he would certainly feel comfortable and not bein' hurt is surely cause he already passed thru this and you dont. He's the one that broke right? It's completely normal to feel that you are alone but it's not the case, I must tell you this :


everytime you fall isn't everytime you failed


And now we catched you in a rough time, we'll help you out to get through this.


take care and courage


Jeff l. Spiegel

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ahh melissa,


I'm in the same boat right now and though sometimes I feel really Ok and able to say it's best, he wasn't right, it was meant to be, it is STILL hard.


I'm trying too to just do something more productive than sit around moping and going through the motions. But maybe that's just what you have to do. Coast along in energy-saving mode and let time heal things.


What others said about not losing yourself is important. I'm realizing that now because I have no one to really talk to except by email. Because I was always with him and we talked a lot I allowed my circle of friends to be reduced to mere nodding acquaintances at work and so, not people you can call up and chat to in troubled times. There's only so many times I can call my family (who all live halfway 'round the world too).


Keep you chin up. I'm trying to do the same. So what if the tears start to fall at times. Remember, you've got to be able to cry to really laugh again sometime too. I'm going to think of it as money in the bank!

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