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Everything posted by the_black_knight

  1. Usually when 2 lovers break up they wont date each other again, but in ur case itz a bit different. you are so sad and hurth because you still love him and the way he took it was probably because he didnt liked you as much as you tought he did. now ur life seems so lonely that u dont know what to do with it because you got too close to him, and in case that u didnt know or that u forgot, lemme remind u that guyz can break their gurlz ' heart. my advice is try talking to ur best friends, ur parents, do some sports, play ur instrument, go to movies, shopping.. blah, blah, blah ... whatever helps ur self-esteem and try forgeting about him.. also try talking a walk before you go to sleep... and remember that next time ull go out with some1 dont get that close 2 him that ull forget ur life.. always remember to include parents and friends in ur life as often as u can, not just ur boyfriend, so if ull break up with him, ur life wont feel so empty... so ull always have people to relay on and talk to when u need some1 2 talk 2... Smile, Jesus LOVES you! Adrian
  2. Theres this girl at my school... she is very smart, one of the top student in our school (not that im much behind her), and im not sure if she likes me or what... in history, i tend to look quite a lot at her, and sometimes i catch her starting at me too.. sometimes we say hi and that is about it with the exeption when we talk about questions from math contests, or group activities... i donno how to approach her.. i donno how to tell her.. the thing is that i am very shy and that im 5'11.5" and she is like 5'4" so i donno how she would feel if i'll ask her out... i donno how to ask her... im thinking about putting roses into her locker (even if it would be pretty hard to get her locker combo) with a note... also she is a very nice person and i am trying to be nice too, for as much i can... i know all of her school friends and im pretty cool with them...can i please get some advice on how to ask her out or how to talk to her?
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