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Dear enotalone.


This is my new situation. I am starting to get over the ex, but now I find myself in a relationship with someone that is 18 years younger than me.


Okay, I have heard it all…..dirty old man, cradle robber, blah, blah, blah…..


But it is my reality….i have worked with this girl for four years now and I have never looked at her as I have lately…..something happened about six months back, which brought my attention to her as someone that was much younger, yet very mature and professional….and it was only one month ago that she shared her feelings for me that she has had since she started working there…I had not idea, and it would not have mattered, because I was dating and in love at the time…she even waited till she thought I was over my breakup.


So, is what I am going through (considering a relationship with this girl) just a phase since I was broken up out of a three year relationship just last august, or is there real potential? I am not your average 40 year old. I live downtown, have an active social life, a cool place, good money/job, and I have all my hair, I'm fit, stylish, and I am mistaken to be in my 20's often…by guys in their 20s and thirties…a gift I guess….


Can anyone share with me some of the problems I may run into that I am not considering if I do begin dating this girl? Is it a mistake? Or is the social pressure about age differences like this just that…..pressure…..pressure from those who will never find themselves in this situation….we get along, conversations are great..….we really do have much in common…family size, etc….all is good…and yes, we did sleep together (twice) and it was incredible. "Age ain't nothing but a number."

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A major issue that you may encounter is that her parents may not approve of it so it may be a difficult relationship. Relationships already has it ups and downs so pressure from the family may be a bit difficult. Are you willing to stick it through inspite of?


Some times we are placed in situations where we thought that we would never be in and things just happens, but if you both get along fine then why not.


Good Luck

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I am in your situation, but on the flip side, not as big as an age gap, but pretty close. I thought that my family would say something, but they just want me to be happy. And that's my advise to you, if she makes you smile every morning then go for it. All you can do is try and see. Who cares about age? And who is to judge you? No one.

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