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QUESTION ok if i cut my throat with a knife how long would

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well its about a girl, heres the story i am kinda shy k and i liked this girl at my work, and i made my interest shown to her, i went a night out 6 weeks ago with her and work mates i got drunk and touched her, she went ballistic and slapped me etc, next day i appologised but at that point i had gave up on her but continued to be nice to her, next night out she run me down with a lot of negative comments.

I had said nothing to her to make her say these things, and just the other night she started turning other folk against me, and she had cheek to call me a cretin, i am far from a cretin.

anyway i also went through suicidal depression when i was 15 and i think it had a long term effect on me, so basically i'm lonely and fed up being doing the nice guy thing as it gets me nowhere...

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Well don't be a nice guy...anyone that has some knowledge could have told you that being a nice guy doesn't get you anywhere.



But umm, yeah if you cut your throat with a knife, it'd either kill you within 5-10 seconds, or 2 minutes maximum amount of time.



Don't end your life over a girl...no one is worth dying for.

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Well, if you touched her without her consent then I can see why she's reacted badly. Being drunk isn't a good excuse I'm afraid. Thats maybe a lesson to take to heart, don't drink so much that you lose control of yourself like that.


You're going to have to give this girl a lot of space and time. It doesn't sound like she's forgiven you yet, so just leave her alone. We can never prevent people from spreading lies about us. We can only take comfort that we know deep down that it isn't true. If she's so willing to bash you, then I can't see why you'd want to be with her at all.

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Well, if you touched her without her consent then I can see why she's reacted badly. Being drunk isn't a good excuse I'm afraid. Thats maybe a lesson to take to heart, don't drink so much that you lose control of yourself like that.


You're going to have to give this girl a lot of space and time. It doesn't sound like she's forgiven you yet, so just leave her alone. We can never prevent people from spreading lies about us. We can only take comfort that we know deep down that it isn't true. If she's so willing to bash you, then I can't see why you'd want to be with her at all.


she did not consent but i got signals ok and i was wrong and i appologised and accepted a slapping, it should have ended then she has had worse things happen in her life than this...... and so have i.. much worse.

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Yes, I understand - but being drunk didn't help the situation. You made a mistake. Ok, it's not the end of the world. She's really not worth ending your life over (trust me). Just take it as a lesson learned and move on to someone else.


Are you being treated for your depression? I can imagine that would have a lot of effect on how you are feeling about this.

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Yes, I understand - but being drunk didn't help the situation. You made a mistake. Ok, it's not the end of the world. She's really not worth ending your life over (trust me). Just take it as a lesson learned and move on to someone else.


Are you being treated for your depression? I can imagine that would have a lot of effect on how you are feeling about this.


no i got through depression i'm just fed up with life basically, i can still think rationally about most things, when i was depressed it was like some other world and had 0 normal thoughts, I just think i dont want to end up older and having nobody, i'd rather it end sooner rather than later.

Unless things turn around but i need to get my head into gear fast....

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Age has nothing to do with it....you're giving up and you're not even half way thru your life...how dare you even think of doing something like that for a GIRL!


Metallicaguy is right...no one is worth dying for...especially not just some girl that degraded you b/c you made a drunken mistake. Get it thru your head that there are soooo many other girls out there...or for you women too.


You want to stop being nice? Send me a PM, I'll give you a site address where you can turn that all around and learn something at the same time.

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Yeah, no one is worth dying for...especially if it's some infatuation over some gal at your work.


Sorry if I'm insulting you but really...when most of the population on the Earth is women and your complaining about one, when theirs God knows how many out there it's ridiculous. Plus, if she's rejecting you in this kind of way, it wasn't meant to be in the first place. That's like saying "If I don't work for Donald Trump, then my life is a failure." If its not meant to be it's not meant to be.

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There are always going to be periods in our lives where we are alone. Divorces happen. Death takes a loved one. You need to love and respect yourself enough to understand that it is totally ok to be alone. You are still the same person whether or not have you have a partner. Ironically people are more likely to have success finding a partner when they are NOT looking.

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I am afraid to say that you aren't over your depression. A huge sign of this is the suicidal thoughts. You should seek medical help so that you can overcome this.

I do think you should have left this girl alone, apparently she doesn't like you, being nice to her at this point is a lost cause- just be curtious.

You can not expect other people (girls) to make you happy, only you can do that.

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I am afraid to say that you aren't over your depression. A huge sign of this is the suicidal thoughts. You should seek medical help so that you can overcome this.

I do think you should have left this girl alone, apparently she doesn't like you, being nice to her at this point is a lost cause- just be curtious.

You can not expect other people (girls) to make you happy, only you can do that.


I'm sorry but you are wrong... how could i help if i liked the girl? and how else do i find out if i dont go for it, basically her head is messed too because she kept floating those thoughts in her head till she got drunk and exploded.

I got a lot of mixed signals from her, things you dont know anything about, girls can be very confusing..... most guys will agree with me on this...


Anyway i wont let it rest i'll be telling her what i think of her now... tomorrow at work, need to put this to rest...


you are all right i should not think about suicide over this but the mind is a complex thing..


like i say i have to get my head straight and do something asap, and i doubt any psychiatrist can help me with this situation.

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Well if you pour out your feelings (if their mushy) she's going to think your a wuss....I'm not really just speaking what I assume girls will think, I've HEARD girls say how wimpy a guy is when he pours his heart out and he needs to be a man. Secondly, if you call her a ***** or something because she's giving you all these mixed signals your just going to get more depressed and mad at yourself and she's going to hate you.


And you SHOULDN'T BE DRINKING! Beer(alcohol) is a depressant, if you go out getting drunk that will NOT help at all...it will make it WORSE.

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Well if you pour out your feelings (if their mushy) she's going to think your a wuss....I'm not really just speaking what I assume girls will think, I've HEARD girls say how wimpy a guy is when he pours his heart out and he needs to be a man. Secondly, if you call her a ***** or something because she's giving you all these mixed signals your just going to get more depressed and mad at yourself and she's going to hate you.


And you SHOULDN'T BE DRINKING! Beer(alcohol) is a depressant, if you go out getting drunk that will NOT help at all...it will make it WORSE.


i'm hardly an alchoholic i dont have a addictive problem, i go out to drink to help increase my social interaction, if i didnt i'd be stuck in all the time, i never really had much friends cos most friends i had in my life became backstabbers etc... and i became a bit too much of a loner....

now i've woke up.

And i did not mean i'd go in and swear at her i'm gonna go in and tell her to drop it and i'll tell her i did like her at one time but not now, i cant stand the girl now.

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Tell her you can't stand her, and she will go on a rampage telling everyone (lies) about how your an ***, and a jerk.


well i have to tell her i aint interested to let it die down otherwise it will go on and on, i work in office right next to hers...

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On your original question, almost instantly


Ever seen a movie like braveheart or even the clip otut of mgs3? As soon as you slice your throat blood will spurt everywhere and you'll be helpless dying a horrible death.


It's not worth it man


hey bravehearts my favourite movie, me being scottish and all.

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