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I am moving to be with my long distance boyfriend?

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i am moving to be with my boyfriend, who lives by car 6 and a half hours away or an hour on the plane,


i am really excited to be moving and cant wait toto be with him , but i am also feeling alittle scared too, and sad to leave my parents and family and friends,


just wonderered if any one has gad to move to be with there ldb and how did they cope with the move?


I find myself at times crying just at the thought of having to say goodbye to my mum and dad, i am not looking forward to the bit where i say goodbye, im bad at good byes at the best of the time,

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I moved from Maine to Georgia by myself. And although the day I left I did a lot of crying, I soon found reasons in Georgia to be very happy about being here.


Any major change like a long-distance move is accompanied by a myriad of emotions, and it's not unusual for you to be feeling that.


I'm bad at goodbyes too, so I can relate, but you only have to say it once. And really, it's not goodbye. Your mum and dad are only an hour away by plane so you can visit often, even if it means driving. Heck, I used to drive nine hours each way every three-day weekend to see my grandparents. And you can talk to them every day on the phone.


And I can understand some trepidation about moving for a relationship. But if it doesn't work out, you can always move back home. Life is an adventure! Look at this life change like that and that may help you feel better.

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6 hours by car or one hour by plane its not alot at all. Your parents are parents, you are moving to be with your new family. You still can visit your parents. Its not like moving overseas and to a different country. I might have to go through it in the future and that would be hard, especially for my parents.

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Actually, to relate another experience....


About 10 years ago I was living in Massachusetts and I was faced with a situation where I was going to be homeless. I worked at a ski resort and we didn't get much snow that year, so I didn't have enough money to pay the rent and was getting evicted. I had 24 hours to get out. So I figured if I have to live in my car, I'm going somewhere warm.


I told the guy I was dating whom I had only known for six weeks that I was leaving and that he could come with me or he could stay, whichever. After about 20 minutes of thinking about it, he decided to go with me. So over the course of the next three days we quit our jobs, packed all of our stuff in storage, packed the car with the essentials and hit the highway, in the middle of a snowstorm ironically. We headed for Florida, with very little money and no ultimate destination in mind. We spent our first several weeks there in a tent in a state park.


Talk about uncertainties!!! But you know what? It all worked out. And even though it had it's challenges, to this day we both look back on the whole experience with nostalgia. It was a crazy thing to do, but we're glad we did that at least once in our lives--to just throw off the yoke.


Your situation sounds a little more planned than ours, but I wanted to show you that even ours turned out okay. I can understand your nervousness about the future. He and I had only known each other six weeks! The whole thing was a complete crap shoot!


And hey, you have nothing to lose, you can go back home any time you like, either just to visit or permanently. Try to keep that in mind to ease your nervousness. In the meantime, go for it!

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well the first day might be hard cause you will be saying good bye to parents, but also very exciting to be with your love. and hey 1 hour by plane is really not much. I now live 4 hours away by plane from my parents, about 2 hours away by plane from my sister and 9 or so hours away by plane from my bf!!!!!

come on.....

good luck

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Rainy, I wish the two of you all the best!


I am thinking of moving closer to my bf; it would reduce travelling time from 14 hours to around 3 hours, which is already a lot better. 8)


However, there are some indispensable conditions: The most important is, I will move only if I find a good job over there.


I almost break into tears at the thought of leaving my friends and my city...



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A year after I married my Canadian wife, we moved from England to Ontario. I left my family, friends and job to live to a different country. It took a while to adjust but I knew I was home when my children were born here.


The best piece of advice I can give you is to make sure that you have a life not entirely bound up with your boyfriends. Make your own friends, or new friends as a couple. Find some activity that you enjoy that neither of you have tried before. That way you are not entirely dependent on him for your social life, you haven't just adopted his life, his friends, his interests but have developed new ones as a couple and on your own. You are not just seen as his girlfriend but as an individual in your own right and you don't lose your identity in his.


Talk to your family by phone once a week to keep in the loop on family matters. See them as often as practicable but don't look backward - look forward.

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The best piece of advice I can give you is to make sure that you have a life not entirely bound up with your boyfriends. Make your own friends, or new friends as a couple. Find some activity that you enjoy that neither of you have tried before. That way you are not entirely dependent on him for your social life, you haven't just adopted his life, his friends, his interests but have developed new ones as a couple and on your own. You are not just seen as his girlfriend but as an individual in your own right and you don't lose your identity in his.


DN, this is my rule number 1! You confirmed it....

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yeah my parents are happy that i have found someone that loves me and wants to take care of me,


i do have many interests for one i am learning to play guitar so I will make sure when i move that i dont give that up,


i cant wait to be with him but feel sad that i have to leave my friends and family behind, but i know il be moving for a great reason

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I moved to be with my boyfriend, knowing the whole time that it wouldn't be a permanent move and in 2 years time I would have to move back (11000 miles back...) It was really hard but it was worth it, we have nearly finished our LDR and I finish university next year. It was very difficult leaving my friends and family but I knew that they would be there when I came back and now, we look back on those 2 years we spent in the UK together as a really solid base for our relationship now, several years later.


It will be hard - but remember to try and make your own friends, as well as becoming friends with his - carve out your own identity there with your job and your friends and the situation won't be 'unequal'. You may be leaving your family, but I'm sure he has family there as well! Getting to know your partner's family can be a fantastic experience (also very stressful sometimes! hah! I flew from Tasmania to England to meet my boyfriend's mother..who according to him was a bit nuts! We've had our ups and downs but I love her as my 2nd mum )

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In December I moved from North Wales to Pennsylvania to marry my American Fiance.

It was emotional leaving my father who I am very close to but we speak on the phone and text each other regularly. What helped me cope with the move is that my Husband has a very close knit loving family who welcomed me with open arms.


I do get quite bad homesickness occasionally and when that happens I will look at webcams/pictures of parts of Britain on the internet or PM Brits I know online. Talking to my husband when I get like that also helps a lot as he comforts me by telling me we will be going back for a visit in the Autumn. It helps that he loves Wales so much and is very interested in my language and culture.


Seeing British TV also helps me hugely and it always makes me very happy when I come accross somebody here who is British.

That said I am very happy here and am very glad I moved here to be with him. Homesickness is nothing compared to the pain I felt when we were apart.

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