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3somes & aftermath

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Hiya, i had a threesome after a drunken night with my girlfriend and a friend of mine. They were kissing a lot on the night then they left early and i got a phone call say they were back in there room and were waiting for me. I went up and we all got together. I ended up having sex with my friend. In the morning this upset my girlfriend a lot and we nearly broke up. We were all drunk tho and it was anything more than that night. Plus my friend had a bf at the time. This all happened at a uni ball, another ball is coming up again and we are all going, what shud i do?


Any more advice on what i should tell my friend about the night or my girlfriend.

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They were kissing a lot on the night then they left early... they were back in there room and were waiting for me


It sounds to me like you all knew what was going to happen, even if you were drunk.


I think you need to focus your attention back to your girlfriend. Talk with her about what happened and explained that you want to be with her only.


Don't bring your friend along to this uni ball or your gf might think you are hoping for another drunken threesome.

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First of all, your girlfriend was a fully willing participant, so she has to be able to accept and deal with the consequences. She has no right to be upset with you if the threesome was her idea.


As a willing participant yourself, you're going to have to help her deal with her feelings of jealousy, and fear that your friend had alterior motives, or wants you for herself, or is better in bed, etc, etc.


As for your friend, she's going to have to back you up and make it clear to your girlfriend that she has no intention of stealing you away from her.

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You were all willing participants in the threesome. It is something that cant be taken back, your gf has to accept what happened and stop being insecure. Obviously she cant handle the aftermath of the threesome, she should be aware of that and learn from it.

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Hiya, yeah i can see your point that she was willing. The fact that she did what she did also turns me on, is that bad? The fact that i like seeing my gf getting off and doing things with other women.


She does accept that it was her fault, but she finds it hard to get over the whole situation. I spoke to my friend and she regrets it to and blames it on the fact that she was so drunk.


I think the situation is resolved, but this next ball is coming up to and we are all on the same table again. I am not sure whats going to happen. But i do definetly love my gf and want to be with her.

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