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home schooling..bad idea!!

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Ok, so since the start of this year I had to go to a different school. The problem with the school was that it was an All Boys school, and being the kinda guy i am I thought it would suck, and I should rather do home schooling. Another reason why I chose home schooling was that I wanted to study the subjects that none of the schools in my town teach so I thought lets just do home schooling.


So I quit the school and started doing home schooling. In the beginning it was awesome.. staying home all day, watching tv, playing video games, you get the idea. But eventually it started to really suck. I havent been in any contact with all my old friends in a looong time, i'm really losing all my social skills. Mind you, i used to be the most popular guy of the school until the year before last year. But after a whole year of staying home doing nothing, i'm starting to feel like a real nerd.


Now my problem is that I can't go back to the school anymore, because i'm doing a 2 year course that none of the schools provide, and i can't go back to school without completing the next year. But I'm really, really sick of staying home all day. So what I do now is to just get my bike out and wander around town mindlessly, but after an hour or so I get bored out of my mind and come back home.


I tried to contact my old friends and tried to get them to hang out with me. But the problem is that they spend like 7 hours at school each day and then they just aren't in the mood to hang out. So I call them or go to their house, we chat for an hour or two but no result.


How should I overcome my situation? I have another whole year of this bull **** to deal with and I just have no idea what to do. I've always been really klutz with sports (if you toss a ball at me 100 times, i'll drop it 99 times and catch it only 1 time, that too clumsily ). I was starting to think to try and join the local soccer team. But most of the guys in there have been playing soccer for like 10 years, and I've never played any sports all my life (OK, may be all my life minus 3 or 4 months). And if I go play there I think I'll never be able to get good at it because they'll be simply too good for me to play with and they might even make fun of my klutz moves!!


So what should I do to get a life again?

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you can't be the only home schooled person in your area - why not find out if there are any other boys/girls in your town that are. you are bound to feel a similar way to them and you should get along great! If not go to a youth club. You don't have to be good at sports and you do loads of fun stuff!

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