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Female's perspective on Sex

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It's very easy for both guys and girls to understand the mechanism that triggers "wanting sex" in male species. It's basically visible shape, body, and looks. But to be very honest, coming from a guy's mind all my life. I cannot perceive the reality of why female want sex or how they decide upon it. Well, maybe not "decide" but what, in female's perspective, allowed themselves to have sex?

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I don't know about other girls, but the first time I was kissed I felt as though my sex drive was turned on. For me and a lot of women, touch is what causes us to want to have sex. Further, sex is also psychological so fantasies and imagination are involved and that makes us think about it a lot...women have strong sex drives also...but I dont' know, we aren't obsessed with it as much as men I think.

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I am not exactly sure what you are referring to but females have the desire to have sex just as males do. There may be a difference of when they want to have sex and what makes them feel attracted to someone in a sexual way but for the most part they have the same feelings that men do.

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Women can and do get turned on by a man's looks, but we hold back, because there's a higher cost to be paid (pregnancy) if we act on our animal instincts. It's not so much that we don't want sex. It's that we don't want sex with the "wrong" man.


What turns a woman on varies from woman to woman. If there's one universal turn-on, it's that every woman wants to feel loved & appreciated for who she is physically, mentally, and spiritually. Tap into that (with sincerity) and you'll find yourself "loved" beyond your wildest dreams. 8)

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If there's one universal turn-on, it's that every woman wants to feel loved & appreciated for who she is physically, mentally, and spiritually. Tap into that (with sincerity) and you'll find yourself "loved" beyond your wildest dreams.


Listen to that guys, thats what women want. And I'm willing to bet thats what guys really want to. Touch the heart, stimulate the mind, and the body shall follow.

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It's all animal instinct! HIS attitude, posture, facial expressions, body language... things that he does trigger the reactions in me. And in the future, all i have to do is think back to those things to get me in the mood, even if he's not doing any of those things at that moment.

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As a women, I get turned on by looking at my partner, but also it is more than just how he looks (which is damn hot ) but also because there is a lot of emotional attachment there, a deep love, and I am very attracted to him because of that bond as well as the look.


You were right that men tend to be visual, and in general women are more "mental" - which is why men tend to get more excited by porn, and women by "fantasy" or romance novels...they are better able to visualize in their mind without pictures. However, I think both sexes can also cross over a bit to a degree blurring the boundaries of how one thinks and one does not.


For me, my partner makes me feel loved, cherished, very desirable, attractive (for more than just body alone) and that to me is a huge turn on....I know he wants me and it just increases MY desire to have him!


That, and I can draw on the fact the sex is fantastic with him to put me in the mood

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