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need advice (especially from the girls)

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sup y'all? i was walkin back to my dorm a while ago and i got in the elevator. there was this girl that i ended up in the elevator with. i've never talked to her b4, but i've always seen her around and i think she's beautiful. she's like the type that looks really good, but good in an unassuming way, like not drawing a lot of attention. whenever i've walked by her in the past, she usually just has her head down. well, in the elevator b4 i got 2 my floor, i was like "hey, i've always seen u around campus. i just wanted to tell u that i think u look good." then she started blushing, smiled and said "aww, thanks. i feel so much better now. i can actually finish this 15 page paper i got." i was surprised i got that good of a reaction from her. that's never happened to me. i wanted to keep it goin, but the elevator doors began closing and after gettin shot down so many times in the past by random girls i ask out, i said "good luck on the paper", then walked away. i'm hopin to run into her again cause there's only 3 days left of college, but with my luck, i'll probably never see her again. what do y'all think bout this (especially the girls) and do u think i woulda had a chance with her? thanks a lot..

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The issue here seems to be that you dont build a good report with females before you ask them out. Instead of randomly asking a girl out get to know her first, nothing serious but just keep it casual, avoid making a huge leap, start out with something small then go from there. Usually the easiest thing to do is to go get coffee. Give her a chance to see who you really are. If you are still interested after coffee then you can ask for more later on down the line.

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I definatly think she has some level of interest, or she wouldn't have reacted that way. If you're really interested, I would do my best to run into her again in the next few days, and then go with the coffee suggestion. That's a nice, casual, friendshipy way to get to know her a little better.

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thanks for the advice.. i was talkin to someone that said not to beat myself up over not askin for her #.. she said that if it's meant to be, then i'll run into her again b4 school's out. if not, then someone else will come along. but i can't help but think that i once again passed up on an opportunity. but usually when this has happened b4, i've always ran into the girl somehow, someway, so hopefully, history will repeat itself. any more advice would be appreciated. thanks a lot...

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yeah, good chance. You should of "carried on the convo" that would of led into deeper conversation.


When she said oh that will help me with getting my paper done.


You could of said something about the paper. Like Im glad i could help, whats your paper about? Maybe I can help you more at your place. Want to do lunch? N she would either say yes or No...


Im glad you worked up the confidence to talk to her tho. It's a slow process, but I just thought I would give you a few pointers for next time you see a cute girl and she sparks your interest.

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i was talkin to someone that said not to beat myself up over not askin for her #.. she said that if it's meant to be, then i'll run into her again b4 school's out. if not, then someone else will come along.


THink about this mentality for a second, its a total loser way to justify being a wuss and not having the confidence to ask the girl out. You will surly lose many great catches with this mentality.

Beat yourself up over it so next time you will ask for the #. Don't leave this stuff to chance.


Anyway if its only 3 days left of college and you won't be able to see her for the summer break, than why bother now anyway? Wait to next semester.



The big question is how do you have the confidence to say hey, i've always seen u around campus. i just wanted to tell u that i think u look good.", But don't have the confidence to say whats your E-mail or phone number?

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thanks everyone for their responses.. yea, you're absolutely rite, eddie. i mean yea, it's weird that i did get shy a little towards the end, but the real reason why i didn't ask for her # or nothin is b/c once we got to my floor, that would have required me to lean against the elevator door to keep it from closing so i could pop the question. and i felt like i'd be putting her on the spot to answer this b4 i'll let the doors close so she can go to her floor. once that crossed my mind, i started gettin shy, then walked off. i had some alternatives: i coulda ran upstairs to catch her as she got off the elevator. i coulda hurried up and asked her real quick b4 the elevator closed. but by the way she reacted, it doesn't sound like she gets complemented a lot or has a boyfriend, so it's obvious that i blew it. figures that now that i want to run into her again, i'll probably never ever see her. i have a good feeling that at the very least, she would have given me her phone number since i made her feel that much better. oh, well, it's too late now. anymore advice would be appreciated. thanks...

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