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Depression after a breakup... Should I tell her or not?

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I started to have depressed and had occasional panic attacks. It's still new barely 10 days since we broke up. She started top see someone already. We still talk occasionally, should I tell her about my depression and panic attacks? Or should I act like nothing happened?

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The ease and speed with which she has 'transferred' to a new person, is a sign of the depth of her commitment and morals.

Though she might not know how badly the break up has affected you, she clearly cares little or nought about you.


Believe me, you *must* cut all contact with her. It only will make you hurt more and more, until you might be driven to do something silly.

And don't cling to the hope of 'maybe', 'possibly', 'perhaps' you will get back together. It hurts like hell, and all day and night you might be thinking of someday she'll come back to you.

But, look at how she is behaving now, how worthless she has made you feel - do you really want to repeat that all over again?


Don't fall in to the same trap, that many people do, the 'rebound' relationship - getting into a relationship too soon, to quell the pain and the loneliness. Maybe she herself is doing this right now with this new person.

It will take many months, before you'll feel 'alive' again. It will take many months before you'll feel the pain and loneliness fading.

Films, music, poetry, video games, walking, running, hiking, reading, writing, driving, riding, programming - throw yourself into one or more of these.

Over time, you will think less and less of her. But, until you start to let her go, and try not think of her, it won't get any easier...

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I am going off on a limb here, I wouldn't say completely ignore her, but don't give her all your time. If she calls and says hi, say hi and carry on a converstation. Don't let her see you are hurting. Hide it. I have been trying for the past few days to hide my pain, and act like I am moving on. I can really see how it is effecting my ex, no longer am I being a doormat

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  • 3 years later...

I absolutely agree with Volition on this.


For the time being, you are going to have to "Fake it until you make it."


Fake being happy and well. Go out and do things every day even when you really don't feel like it and soon, my friend, the pain will diminish and someone new will come along when the time if right and you are receptive and this person may have more love and devotion for you than you previous g/f.


Start your new life today. Make it a good one.

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