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ok i like this guy but he has a girlfriend already. do i have a right to tell him or should i not say anything because hes already taken. he liked me two years ago but i didnt like him at the time. hes been with his current girlfriend for a year now. hes very flirty with me still. i dont know what to do

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Don't say anything to him. He is taken and had been in a relationship for a year. No matter how he is acting towards, you he is off limits, and you need to respect his relationship and leave him alone.


You would not want to be responsible for ruining a relationship, and contributing to cheating. How would you like to be cheated on?


I'm sure you can find someone available who will be able to give you 100% or his attention.

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I wouldnt tell him. I've been in a similar situation. My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly a year now, and a few months back his ex of 3 years told him she loved him still and wanted him back. That caused some issues it hurt me in the process. So from experience, I wouldnt say anything. He's taken. You saying something might cause problems for him and his girlfriend. A year is a serious amount of time to be with someone, I wouldnt want to be the reason for their break up if it ever comes to that.


What would you telling him accomplish? Or better question is, what do you expect to happen after you tell him?



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Off limits, pffffft. If he's still flirty, that's awesome, he'll be easier to get for you. Believe me, if a guy has a girl, and is really flirty with you and USED to like you, he at least thinks your hot. Go for it tell him how you feel, then wait for him to ask ya out, I don't think the guy's off limits, like drydobfob says "All is fair in love and war." Love sucks, so yeah, give it no mercy lol.

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How would you like it if some guy moved in on your girl? Have some respect and deceny for the relationship he is in.


It's opinions like yours that break hearts and ruin relationships.


Have some integrity, will you??

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I don't think that you should read too much into his feelings. He can be friendly and outgoing, but he may not intentionally be flirting with you. He may be attracted to you, but I would give this one a miss. He isn't the right guy if he would date you while he is seeing someone else, he will make you feel insecure in the long run.

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I'd say that.. you could basically confess him what you feel. Then he'll have the decision whether break up or not. If he just is being friendly, he'll know to stop the flirting. (Unless he's an @ss and plays with your heart, in which case you should avoid him like the plague)

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The more that I think about it, in most cases it is ill advised to tell people exactly how you are feeling, unless you know that you can trust someone.


We usually have one person in this world that we can trust and know that that person is always there for you. If you feel that you have more than one person that you can trust, then you are very lucky.


I still feel that it is ill advised for women to go after the men that are already taken, it is really just a hunting expediction and men are supposed to be the ones that do that, no??


If you get the guy from another girl, then you have a shollow prize, and you have made a life-long enemy. So are you not better off sticking with what you have.


Search your feelings for this other guy, it is really a shallow feeling, isn't it?

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