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is he tryin to piss me off?...guys and girls opinion needed

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hi...my ex bf and i broke up a month ago. He dumped me sayin that he needed to be single and that he was tired of fighting with me. We barely fought.(thats my opinion). Anyway, 2 weeks after we broke up he madeout with another girl that i know, ( b4 in our relationship, i didn't like her because she was gettin flirtatious and would hit on my ex) but the he regreted it. About a week ago, he supposedly made out with this other girl. I know for a fact that this girl is not his type, she is the total opposite of me. He hasn't ask her out yet, that i know of. But if he does ask her out, why would he lie to me like that? He still wanted to be friends with me. Why would he lie point blank to my face? Is he just tryin to see if i'm gettin jealous or mad. And just as a helper, he told me a few days after we broke up that he still had strong feelings for me. He also told a few friends of mine that he still liked me but needed to be single for now. I'm 16 he just turned 18 and is goin off to university. What is he doing?

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Regardless of what he said to you, his actions are showing you that he is not interested in being with you. I don't think he is doing any of this stuff to upset you or to get to you, he broke up with you because he wanted to be single and date other people, and that's exactly what he is doing. It has nothing to do with you.


I suggest you ignore his behaviour and get on with your life. The more you focus on this and let it eat at you the more you are ruining your chances to heal and get on with your life. His love life became none of your business the minute he ended it with you.


You are young and there will be plenty of other men in your life, and hopefully sooner rather than later he will be a distant memory.

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similar thing happened to me 2 years ago only my bf at the time actually started to hang out and smooch the barbie doll before he broke up with me. People can be really low, both girls and guys.

I hope everything starts to get better for you, try and let go of him I know it's hard it's a whole lot easier said then done, trust me, but find someone else after fully healing yourself k.

good luck hun.


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