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Why am I mad all the time?

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I seem to be constantly angry all the time. I can't let it go at all. My boyfriend and I have been arguing a bit and he hasn't been spending much real time with me because he's so busy at school and he expects me to be understanding of that but I think I'm just really upset becasue even during my toughest quarters I always found time for him. He wastes his time doing nonsense like surfing the web or talking to his friends adn then he says he has no time.


I mean I try to be understanding but I'm just so resentful that I always tried to make time for him. Today he only wanted to see me for lunch because he was hungry not because he wanted to see me. I know that's stupid and little but I'm pissed. And then today - he never even tried to come over and see me. You know, he just told me that he didn't like coming here because he he can't park anywhere. Its 11pm - I called him and he wants me to go over to his house. He knows I have a curfew and suddenly it's me at fault.


I feel like I'm the only one that ever needed to see him so much. I feel cheated and hurt and angry. And today's incident shouldn't make me feel so upset. I don't understand it. Its not just that I'm angry all the time constantly at him at everything. The way he only wanted to see me because he was hungry, the way he said he can't find a damn parking spot, the way he didn't even try to ask me out to anything for the past three weeks, the way he said I need to be understanding of his school and that he doesn't know for sure when we can spend time and that he'll have to see when there is time, like whenever theres space he'll slot me in. I never did this to him, I always made him my priority above everything else and I just feel so neglected. He doesn't even have anything like an exam or homework due this week. But he had to see what's up.


He blamed me the last time for not getting his homework done, but last week I didn't bug him at all, in fact I didn't even call him at all - just let him call me when he had time and he still didn't finish his own homework. I hate this need I have to see him when he can overide needing to see me so easy. I hate taht I feel this way and that I'm the one who ends up lonely and teary and he's doing whatever.



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Next time you are with him at lunch or you can get his attention long enough to say a few words to him I would let him know that you need more time together or your relationship is not going to be one any longer, and that he needs to make time for you guys to spend some time together. Tell him you know he is busy and has a lot of things on his mind but you need to have time with him too. If he is not willing to make the time for you or being online or checking his e-mail is more important to him then you are then he can check his e-mail next time he wants to go on a date with you.

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Why do you have a curfew at the age of 23?


I would not tell him that he is wasting his time surfing the web or talking to his friends because it makes it seem as if you expect him to have no life other than work or seeing you. Asking him to make more time for you is one thing - demanding he drops his other activities in another.


Do you have activities and friends of your own? Or do you depend on him to fill your time?

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  • 2 weeks later...

i can honestly say he is taking advantage of you. someone that dosnt enjoy and apperciate the little things you do for him, he dosnt care. he is selfish that he wont spend time with his girl, that he would rather spend it with his boys. thats not a man, thats a boy. what does he do for you? i can understand why u would be upset and pissed about it. dont waste your time. its not worth it.

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