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Was I wrong in feeling this way?

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This morning my girlfriend and I of 11 months broke up.


See, she has a two year old daughter and thereforeeee couldn't get out much. Yet, when I went out with my friends (which really isn't often) she gave me a guilt trip.


Last night I went out with my best friend who just came back from Texas and is currently going through a divorce. Of course, I want to be there for him because I know he needs the support, and because he wants to spend time with me because he's been living so far away for two years. We repeatedly called my girlfriend from the bar to invite her along, but she refused. I even offered to go pick her up. This wasn't the first time this has happened. Next month I am going to Atlanta for a cousin's graduation. She got upset and kept saying "you're leaving me and Natalie (her daughter) for an entire week."


Anyways, this morning I asked her why she sounded upset over the phone last night. She says she doesn't like the fact that I'm hanging out with a divorced friend because it seems to her that we're out looking for women. I had REPEATEDLY told her that I'm not cheating on her, and would NEVER do such a thing. She claimed to have loved me, but its obvious that for some reason she doesn't trust me.

I onestly don't know what I ever did to make her distrust me and make her so jealous.


Breaking up with her wasn't the easiest thing to do seeing how I have also grown to love her two year old daughter.


Was I being self centered in wanting to spend time with a friend for a night?

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No, I think any women would feel a little uncomfortable having their man go out on the town with someone that's going through a divorce. Even if you weren't doing anything wrong, we tend to think the worst. And what does a divorcee want to do? Hook up usually. But I think that it's her insecurities that broke y'all off. Hopefully she can learn to over come this.

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Well I don't think you were being self centered for wanting to spend time with your friend. There are always to sides to everything. Like had she been cheated on before in a previous relationship? That could be the cause of her mistrust not that you would cheat on her but if she has been cheated on recently that could explain her insecurities about you going out with a recently divorced friend.


The other thing that might be making her wonder what is going on was there a reason why her and her daughter are not going to attend the wedding with you next month. Women like to be included in your plans and if it would have been me I would have invited them to go to the wedding with me, and to be totally honest with you if I couldn't afford to take them with me then I wouldn't have went either I am sure that made her feel bad that she couldn't go with you to the wedding. Just think how you would have felt if it would have been you instead of her. One thing I always do when I plan something I always include my girlfriend in all my plans one of the reasons I do that is because I want her to be with me when I go places and I want to spend as much time with her as I possibly can.



Just something to thing about in the future.

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