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starting to understand the true definition of care

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Hey guys. Last night I really laid back and brainstormed as to why I still and always will love my Ex. Even though I was told many times before, it didnt occur to me that if she has a boyfriend, I could somehow swipe her away and erase her mind from him. Well, I called up my mother, since how mothers, really do understand everything -.-. I explained to her that what im feeling isnt just going to fall off and never reach its way back..its glued to me that she means everything to me and that I promised she would have a place in my heart. I explained the whole NC situation for 3 months and how it wasnt working, because my ex is one of those females that does NOT look back on it..it hurts her even more when I didnt call. Anyways, my mother explained..its not that you didnt call her..but maybe you didnt "not talk to her" ENOUGH....!?!?...it confused me because 3 months seemed like an awfully long time and it seems like it made her angery.."obviously because she is now dating someone else.." But we had this long talk to were I needed support, and the best thing for me would to just be to care and respect others, rather than always doing everything for myself *mainly what i did in our relationship*. My mother completely understood, and we both agreed..if she doesnt come back and realize Im trying to show more respect for others..thats great. But if she doesnt come back and never wants to talk to me agian..It will have to find its way to the back of my head..and my heart will have to move on.


The replies i got on the board were almost identical..but talking to a close family member about it, just really lasers through you to were you can see in there eyes..that they know what there talking about. Hopefully, my ex still loves me, as to I will ALWAYS love her, I hope this guy is showing her respect..and what ever she does..will be for her best interest. Thats how I will show that I really care..leave her alone, and if she comes around , treat her with respect and love..but in a friendly manner..its gonna be hard though.

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