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How to deal with panic attacks

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As someone who has done therapy, As someone has has friends and family who have done therapy, as sommeone who has friends who are licensed and practicing therapist that I ask for advice, I find the bold incredibly hard to believe.


We're not Dr.s, what we say you can take with a grain of salt and argue, which you did with the child support issue, were not going to hold your feet to the fire. This site has been a huge tool in my healing and I'm sure many many others but it's a tool, not the solution. Hell its not even a bandaid. You're dealing with some serious stuff man. Good for you for refilling your medication but think about it that came from a Dr. not us.


I'm glad you feel we gave you a push in the right direction, that's amazing, but we can't solve depression, we can't solve panic attacks, all we can do is give you advice from our expieriences. Again, were different from a therapist because we can't hold your feet to the fire and we only know what you choose to tell us, leaving you at a huge advantage. That's not true healing. I hope you decide to put in the work needed.


The advantage of these forums is a collective bond and wisdom. The anonymous nature and putting thoughts in writing versus verbal are of great benefit as well.


Still, they can't replace professional help.

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