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What should my next move be....

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I met this really cool guy a while ago and we hit it off pretty good. I don't see him that often, but we talk on the phone all the time. I was thinking of telling him that I like him, but I just don't want him to say he doesn't feel the same way or something and then have us not hang-out as much if at all or something. I was wondering what aproch I should take? Thanx for your advice.



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Well, you should definitely tell him-if he calls you frequently, then that prolly means that he feels the same way

I have almost the same dilemma, but I'm gonna tell him b/c if I don't then I would never be able to resolve it and it would bug me 4ever

So..if you like him, go about it maybe by just telling him, being confident, but not cocky. A good site that tells you suttle ways to tell 'em is:

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Hi there...i understand ur dillema. Its strange how 2 people can chat for so long on the phone and 'real reasons' are not prominent why you talk to each other. Could be he enjoys your company on the phone, could be he relates to you, could be he likes you. Either ways it's all speculation. You have to find out what it is. You don't exactly have to go direct and spell it out. You may want to perhaps ask him indirectly or ask him where he'd like to go with this friendship? You never know, it could be anything and it could be interesting to see what his ideas are in a disguised form of questioning. Be hopeful and prepare yourself for the anything.

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