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please help, i am so confused :(

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ok i hope this is the correct category for this, any way, here it is, my girlfriend lives 3 hours away from me we talk on the phone sometime 3 times a week and sometimes 7 times a week we have been togeather for 6 months now and we got to see each other 9 or 10 times i think, there is something that is bothering me, she has started talking about her ex ALOT every time we talk on the phone she talks about her ex, infact i am suppose to go see her may 6th and we will go to a fair and she told me i better be aware of her ex becuase we will run into him at the fair and he will want to have a "man - To - man talk with me" i dont know what that means and she also said that he is Over protective over my gf and she told me that he said that who ever will take her will be in trouble i dont know what that means either, i told her he cant do that because u both are not dating any more! and when i said that she tried to change the subject and another thing that is bothering me is that i was looking at her phone bill and there are calls about 5 or 6 times aday and they all are any where from 150 - 200 minutes longs EVERYDAY!!!! and i am not sure who she could be talking to for that long it could be family, so i wanted to figure out what was going on here so i got the number and i called it and i asked for her ex and guess what? his name is Johnny, i said is Johnny there? some lady was saying "yes, may i ask who is calling" doesnt that tell you that, that has to be the ex's house, may be she is talking to some one from his family i dont know, what should i do? i am soo sick, soo hurt and by the way i have a headache.

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Well, she used you, now she is going back with her ex....what the hell? Anyway yeah, why don't you just skip going to the fair. I mean your only going to get an *** whooping and on the other half your girl left ya so that really sucks. Why don't you just avoid it all and don't go? Just break up with her before the fair. It's going to be hard, but right now why have a gf that's just spitting in your face and has a 80% probability of cheating on you.

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No wonder you have a headache. Frankly it sounds to me as if this girl is using you to make her ex jealous or vice-versa. Is she the sort of girl who would like to see two guys physically fighting over her?


Lots of red flags here. Guard your heart (and the rest of you)

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Oh gosh...I am sorry to say but none of this sounds good or right to me, and probably the rest of the posters here would agree to that as well. I've been in a somewhat similar position as yours and it sucks to find out that your bf or gf has been talking to someone of the opposite sex for that long, and not to mention that often. This, however, is an ex boyfriend and you said it yourself...she doesn't shut up about him.


She's also "warned" you about the supposed confrontation that her ex plans to have with you. Frankly, only someone dumb and naive would still go visit her, and not to mention, would continue dating her. You're a smart guy and deserve to be treated better than this. Do what you have to do....which is dump her and move on! Life is too short to be wasting it on someone as shady as she is!

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I agree with Marijo. An ex boyfriend that would try and talk to me about how I treat my girlfriend would be served a backhand sandwhich, compliments of Iceman.


Save yourself the headache and let this one go and find one more local who isnt being as shady and lame as she is.

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Thanks alot every one


there is one thing i really wanna thank all the people on link removed you all are like family to me every time i needed help i always got really good advice and you all have always made a difference in my life, i just dont know how to thank every one, i cant explain how much you all mean to me, i love you all!


i continuied this post at:


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