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Does she likes/love me or what.

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l met a girl some moths ago. she is a singer and l´m her producer.

She is nice and l fear falling in love with her.


Well, the reasons that l got this love feelings are:

1. she always want to put her hands in my hands when walking on the street.

2.She drinks from my glass or bottle even though she got her own separate drink.

3. she lays her head on my shoulder when we are in the bus. " l use to tell her that, people will think she is my girlfriend so she should take the head off. But she tells me, who cares and she doesn´t mind.

4. She is a white girl and l´m a black guy.

5. she spents many hours in my studio.

6. she stays when l ask her to be in my company till midnight.

7.she comes to me in the studio and ask me "if l believe in first sight first love?

8. she tells me , her friends said she should be careful with me.

l then l asked her why they said that, but she said, it was just a joke.

9.l told her we can not be friends, but she said then we could be a brother

and a sister.


Ehm! could this be a reason because l am her producer or she want more from me or she just needs someone to talk to?

I am 25 and she is 19.

I really do not want to mix my production with a relationship.

Any advice will be accepted.


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You're smart not to want to mix biz with pleasure. But I don't think you'd be here asking for advice, if some part of you wasn't strongly attracted to her. It's hard to read her motives, but you have to ask yourself "What's the worst that could happen and can I live with that?" (Forgive me for not being familiar with how a singer can rip off a producer. I kinda thought if the singer does well, you both benefit, right?) Anyhoo, if you can handle the downside and are willing to take the risk, I say go for it. Cuz she's definitely throwing lots of hints your way! 8)

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From the situations you listed, it seems that she wants to be friendly with you, now as far as her exact motives only she knows that. If she these actions are only directed towards you during your studio/work time then it would seem that her interest is as a friend. Regardless of the way you think she might feel, treat her as a friend. If you need to limit your involvment/time spent with her in order to put your feelings in check then do so. If you feel that your feelings are getting in the way then it would be best if she got a different producer.


You need to ask yourself what you want, do you want to be friends or do you want more. Once you have answered that then you will have an idea how to deal with the situation further.

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If she these actions are only directed towards you during your studio/work time then it would seem that her interest is as a friend..


She works from 10.30 am till 19pm.

We see us maybe once or twice in a week since she got to be taking care of a household.


Well, l will treat her as a friend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah!!, l told her she is beautiful but l can not marry her.

The problem is she wants me to marry her before anything else since she is a christian "she says", but l really don´t want to marry her since, l got no time for that.

I know she loves me but l think, l will not marry now......

Yeah this is the problem now...but all the same she is a good singer.

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