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Ok so me and my ex broke up a few days ago she was seeing someone else and broke it off with me and says shes still hopes for the future.....so anyway Ive REALLY been trying to the no contact, but being single now and going out every night. ive been getting really drunk, and calling her i did it both friday and saturday night i dont even think i talked to her i just dont want her to have the satisfaction of knowing that i called i even went as far as taking her number out of my cell phone this situtaion really sucks!!!! we were together for 5 years

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First off...drinking doesn't solve any problems. It only makes you look a fool to her, and everyone else. Drunk dailing is bad. Instead of drinking away the pain, try do something else like reading, writing, working out. I have the urge to drink to but I found that writing in a journal helps the pain. Also spend some time on here reading about every elses pains...it helps!


No contact is hard...if it was easy everyone would be doing and no one would be in pain. Don't put yourself in the situation where you are tempted to call her or email her or anything. It gets easier. Just dont give into the tempations, and dont let drinking be the only answer you have to your problems

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The thing is were gonna have to contact each other in about a week or two cause we had trip planned and she payed using her credit card and i wrote her out a check to pay off her credit card balance. So im going to cancel the trip but i have to contact her to get my money back from her so i was thinking ill just wait a week or two cancel the trip and get in touch with her but im not gonna call her or anything for the next week or so.

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Don't even listen to that "still has plans for the future" garbage. That is crazy talk she's giving you right there. She never really cared about you anyways so drop her and put an X on it. And don't even worry if you ever get your money back. Your emotional state is worth much more than the value of your trip. Don't cancel the trip, leave it up to her to take care of it. And don't contact her ever again and root her on in silence as she makes the biggest mistake of her life by splitting with you. There's better out there for you. Go out and get it.

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The urge to contact your ex is normal!!!


I know that everyone here advocates NC - and they are absolutely right to do so - but it is not an easy thing to do especially when you've been in such a long relationship.


I split up with my boyf of 5 years in early March and it took a good three weeks of me phoning him and turning up at his house snivelling and begging before I finally reached the no-contact stage.


If are strong enought to instigate NC - then all power to you!! But if you can't then don't beat yourself up about it - don't be ashamed to have feelings and to miss someone who was such a big part of your life.


As for waiting for her to come back....

Obviously, I don't know all the details of your situation but I have gone through pretty much the same thing recently so here's my advice... She may come back, and she may not. Unless you got a crystal ball sitting there then you have to assume that SHE IS NOT COMING BACK!! This way you'll be able to get your life back together, spend some time on yourself and enjoy being independent!! There is no way to loose with this method - if she does come back then you'll be a better person and if she doesn't, then you'll still be a better person.

Probably what will happen to you is that one day you will realise that you don't want her back anymore. Time passes and the heart heals.


My heart goes out to you and I wish you all the best.

Please feel free to PM me if I can be of any use.



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You say dont worry about the money but were talking about 1000 dollars here im just not let a thousand dollars down the drain. I could really use the money i know it sounds like a excuse to call her but i really need my money back and it it wasnt for that then there would no contact period.

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