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Asking her out???


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Alright, here's the situation. I just recently met this girl at the gym where I play basketball. We were both playing and everything was cool, we exchanged glances and smiles, but nothing too big. It's been going on like this ever since. We'll both show up, smile, say "hi", but that's it. I really want to ask her out, but I don't want to just come up to her in the middle of the gym and make a fool out of myself. I also don't want to turn the gym into somewhere that she no longer wants to go because some guy that she hardly knows is hitting on her. What should I do? How can I ask her out?

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Ok, the smiling Is AWESOME that means she's comfortable with your presense. Asking her out isn't really that hard, you could say "You know, you seem to be pretty good at basketball, I'd like to take you out to dinner, then shoot some hoops after?" Then if she turns you down then you can be like alright, shake it off like it's nothing. Well if your not extremely over-weight, acne and glasses, then I don't really think she's going to stop going there.

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Start a casual conversation with her, and ask her out on a casual date. Say something like "I am going out to get something to eat a little later, would you like to join me?" If she says no, smile and say "perhaps some other time then". And leave it at that.


If she says no, its not a big deal, you were merely asking if she would join you for dinner. Just be casual and friendly about it and you will be fine.

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In order to avoid any awkward moments I would strongly suggest that you chat it up with her several times BEFORE asking her out on a casual coffee date.


The point is to strike up several friendly conversations so that you can determine if you even have anything in common. Also, if the conversations go well, it's a way of flirting and tempting her.

Don't just come straight out and ask her out! She has no clue who you are and that can turn her off from you. You want to approch this delicately and slowly. Be patient.

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My suggestion to you is not to just flat out ask her to dinner. Like you said you hardly know her so you should start off small see if she wants to go to the mall or the movies with you and a group of your and her friends. Then after that go to the mall or movies with her alone then you can get to the best point. If she is still with you not coming up with reasons why she cant go then she most likly has intrest with you. Then you can move to going to the movies with her then asking if she wants to go somewhere after wether it be dinner mall a walk. if you go out to dinner make sure that you pay you dont want to have her to pay even if she insists. try to go on a walk on a cold night bring your jacket like a light one and if she says shes cold (good sign) then you can eaither offer her your jacket, put your arm around her and hold her close and say better? or you could do both. Thats the situation i am in now and it is looking damn good! GOOD LUCK and dont chicken out!

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Two really distinctive point of view... noticed ? One was girl's and the other was boys'. Go along both; sounds to be the neither too much nor too less I think that the two are right, though . The hick is that it depends on the person you're talking to. No big deal if it's not exactly the way that girl would expect but she might appreaciate one way more than the other. Just sort you know, yet both are okay !

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