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i’m 16 and a female. before someone comments how i am young and have my whole life ahead of me to figure myself out, yes, i am aware but would just like input from others... ever since i was young i always had crushes on boys and never even thought about a girl in that way. of course, i’ve seen girls and thought they were pretty, but recently i feel like i might be thinking differently, which is what’s confusing me. here’s why: i was in the mall a few days ago and realized that i couldn’t help but to keep looking at this one girl who she was dressed more masculine. although i am the only one who will know for sure whether or not i am straight, what are your opinions? is there anyone who has been in a similar situation?

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At 16, this is the time that you figure things out, such as sexual orientation. I think most girls get a girl crush at different times in their lives. Women do look at other women. If you look in a women's magazine, there are nothing but pictures of half-naked women. If you look in a men's magazine, there's mostly pictures of women. So both sexes like to look at women. Maybe you'll get a chance to kiss a girl and see if you like it (as the Katy Perry song goes). It doesn't really mean anything at this point and it doesn't mean you're gay or anything. Don't worry about it.

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