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She Called at 4AM Help!!!!!

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She just called me at 4AM and left a coice mail, she didnt say anything, just played the song 'Wrong Impression' by Natalie Imbruglia! Is this a good sign or a bad sign??? I dont know, check ouy yhe lyrics here. link removed


Is she jsut trying to say goodbye or what? Today is ger birthday!!!!!


Please help me, I am in tears here wondering.

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I dunno, from a girl's perspective that seems like a lyrical song for someone I'm thinking about, and definitely missing. "I need you, I love you?" Sounds like she is expressing a lot of regret right now. Was she the one to break off the relationship?


Leaving a voicemail at 4am with a song is kind of fruity but .. maybe the song was significant to your and hers relationship? Don't cry, maybe you should call her and figure out exactly whats going through her head right now. At least it will take the guess work out of everything.

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I'm with Jaela on this one. She's obviously been thinking about you and losing sleep over it (unless she works some kind of night shift). That song is about missing someone yes ...good song by the way, I'm a big Natalie Imbruglia fan. Anyhow, don't respond right away to this text. Give it some time Simon. Let her pick up the phone to call you. My guess is that she probably will, unless she's super strong-willed.


p.s. don't forget to tell her happy birthday. If not by sending a card, by a simple phone call. NO RELATIONSHIP TALK THOUGH. Keep it short and sweet. "Hi, I called to say Happy Birthday. I hope you have a great day. I'll talk to you later."

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It is definitely significant to our relationship. She left me because she didnt think I would commit to her anytime soon!!!! She had lost faith. I guess the reason she used a ong is because I had sent her a letter last week and I also put in a CD with a song about my feelings for her. I am a musician and she knows how powerful music is to me.



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yeah well I f***ed up now because I rang her this morning, expecting her voice mail. She answered the phone!!!!! I told her I was expecting her voice mail and she laughed. I told her to have a great birthday and she said she will, ring me now and see if it goes to voice mail. So I did, it didnt and she answered again, we laughed some more, then she just went off the phone. Sent a text saying, well that didnt go to plan happy brithday. Nothing back!!!! Now Im back to square one!

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I agree, reading the lyrics here, this is someone that is missing you, Ilove you!! Man what a song though really. I need to see about downloading it and listening to it. If she has a good voice, I like this song very much...


So, simon, I would hold your head up, get confident, cause even if she were drunk, I believe this to be a good sign myself... now just because you think you messed up by calling her, all is still good. I would give her a day or two, and then call again, only this time EXPECT to talk with her!! So prepare yourself to be strong and confident when you talk to her...


Good luck Simon

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That phone call went fine. You being needy, expecting her to respond to your every message, email, or phone call is not fine.


Try not to overanalyze every single thing she does. You being overemotional about her is when I recommend NC the most. But just FYI, those phone calls went fine. No worries.

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thanks guys! I am not confident at the moment I will be honest, I am a blubbering weck, that song relly got to me. I always analyze things too much especially lyrics as I am a musician. I dontthink she would look as deep as me into lyrics, I think maybe the I love you, I want you bit was enough for her. Could be wrong! If she really wanted to just reply and say something nice but not I love you, I am sure she would have sent a song that says something about friendship instead? I dont know there I go again analyzing. But I am a bit concerned as she didnt mention it today and didnt reply to my text or than me for her card???? Ill see what happens tonight as she is no doubt going out for her birthday. I dont want her to just do things when she is drunk though because she may well have forgotten what she is doing by the morning. Thanks again!!!

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Nobody here can force you to go No Contact, but that would be the recommended course of action as she is just playing head games with you now. And every time you call her, or write her, you let her know that she's got you right where she wants you. She knows she can walk all over you and you'll be OK with it.


I know at this point you're going to impulsively do what your heart tells you to do. Happened to me too during my 1st break up and that was a complete mess. But then you will eventually get fed up with it and go No Contact naturally.


I hate to see you hurt friend and there's no fast forward button for this situation. But there is a play button where you can heal, get on with your life, and find someone new. You push that button by going No Contact.

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I guess I got my hopes up after that call and was expecting another last night but it never happened? Also after the call yesterday morning I sent her a text wishing her happy birthday and told her I had sent a card to her friends but I never received a reply. Could it be she was just drunk when she called and regrets it or even forgot she did it or maybe she is just playing games with me?

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On what level do you mean she felt you wouldn't commit to her anytime soon? Are we talking an exclusive relationship, or marriage? I would give things a few days and cease contact for now. Unless you want to call her and pointedly ask her why she chose to leave a song on your voicemail in the way that she did, of course. I would probably go the second route, but I'm usually not the most tactful person either.

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We were exclusive, we had been for two years but she felt like we should be moving forward. I agree, but she overheard a phone conversation between me and my jeweller friend just before christmas and she incorrectly assumed I was giving her an engagemnet ring for christmas. She told me this after we split, she said she was devastated when she didnt get it. The thing is, I had planned to give it her for her 30th which was yesterday. She had a terrible 18th and an even worse 21st so I thought I would make her 30th extra special. However she obviously lost hope between christmas and 5 weeks ago. The last day we were together she said, you have no intention of ever putting of ever putting a ring on my finger. If only she knew! Anyhow, I havent contacted her re the song on my voice mail and she never mentioned, nor replied to my text yesterday or thanked me for her birthday card, so I am not sure how to play it now.

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It has really got me thinking this. Why would she send that song and then just ignore me again??? Not even a thank you for the birthday card. It all seems a bit strnage to me. Any comments please? I dont really want to call her, in case i get rejected again. But i am in limbo here. At the moment I believe she loves me but may be scared that things will be the same if she comes back but if I call and she says I was drunk and regret it and I dont love you that is worse!

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