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Where to start...


About 6 months ago I met this girl through a friend... actually my best friend's then love interest. The first time I met her I didn't really consider her as an 'option' so to speak because I thought she was way out of my league... she's a barfly, very attractive... and I'm basically a computer gamer... games were my life for a while.


We actually went out on casual double dates... and they went horribly because I was too shy to talk to her... but she kept coming back for some reason... then one day at a restaurant we just asked each other questions about each other... down to sexual history, everything... With every answer I became more and more attracted to her... we went to her house, even though we talked for a long time, I had no idea how I did... until when we got back to her house she asked me to come in.


To make a long story short... She was perfect, everything to me.

We only dated for about 2 weeks before we started going out...

Then after about 2 months I told her I loved her...

But at about 3 and a half months I started questioning it...


We've been together about 6 months now... fighting on and off, but that's normal... and not over anything really big... little stuff here and there, misunderstandings.


Then just this last weekend, it was the day we decided to celebrate our 6 month weekend, and I talked to her on the phone early in the morning, and she got mad at me for something... and it's just like something snapped... And it's like whenever I think about her when I'm not with her I get this feeling... and even when I was with her.


I had the same feeling when I was with my ex-girlfriend before I told her I wanted to be friends... but then a year or so later (this is about 2 years ago) she came to see me again and it was just like I felt attracted to her all over again.


I don't know if it's love any more but I am attracted to so many things about her... all the little details... And she is so good to me... I don't want to hurt her and frankly I don't want this to end... but I just feel different somehow after that incident.


I just wish I could know for sure if I am in love with her.

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listen... i can't tell u whether or not u love the girl cuz its not my place to tell u who u do and don't love... so heres the deal... i think u need to talk to this girl cuz u say u dont' want it to end... its not fair for u to keep tellin her u love her if ur not sure anymore... tell her that the drama and everything else is making u feel funny... trust me... u need to talk to her... if u don't talk to her about the situation then the feelings will just go horribly wrong... tell her that u still wanna be with her but that u are having some feelings that u aren't sure about... this might also help ur arguing problem too... then after a while u might find out that u love her or u may just find out that its better off if u guys are friends...

hope i helped...

Love Always,


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I say communication is best. Tell her that you did not like it when she snapped at you...that it scares you when she is angry and yelling because you want a happy relationship. Don't say it accusingly, be gentle. ALso, maybe consider slowing things down. YOu are still attracted to her, so thats something, but you might be holding a grudge over what she did on the phone? You aren't being forced to define whether its love or not...although these feelings do indicate something...I know its hard, I feel for you...I usually feel this way in my relationships...I know I am attracted, but I don't ever think its love and that makes me wonder if I should end it.

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It's not that she snapped at me...

I don't know what it is...

It just felt different.

Like when I was with her I wanted to be alone or I was bored or something...

It's happened 3 times now...


I told her yesterday and now she doesn't think I want her...

Which I told her isn't true... she's everything that I want... I can't even imagine being without her... I just don't understand what's wrong with me.

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Sounds like love to me... i mean if u care enuf about her to work things out and talk to her then obviously u want it to work... listen... i cant tell u wut to do cuz now its all on u... but just don't be so hard on urself and don't think that sumthing is wrong with u... if u do this then it will just put more stress on the relationship... just try to get past some of the arguments that u guys get into... shes a female... all females act crazy sumtimes... just remember that u love her and that u would do anything for her... tell her that EVERY DAY... and always tell her how pretty she is... and things will get better cuz the more u show love towards her and the more u compliment her the more she will look past all the things that u do that makes her so mad... Try to turn this relationship into a healthy one... if u truley love her and it was ment to be... then things will work out...

Hope i helped,

Love always


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