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SHe likes me? she likes me not.

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To protect her indentity i would call her Kathy.


Kathy and I know each other for 2 months now and I started to like her 3 weeks ago. I got to know her and found out that she is the girl for me.


We had spent a lot of time together, afterschool-doing homework, and go to places-pizza, tennis game. One day i found out that she don't have anything to eat for lunch so i decided to cook her something. Since that day I always brough ther soemthign to eat. She said" Thx you, You dont have to bring me food every day you know" with a big big .


So one Tuesday afternoon, I can't keep my feeling for her inside any longer, I decided to go for it, tell her what i feel about her. I told her that i LIke her alot. She replied by saying that she knows. But the thing is that she didn't say it back, but just give me this big big . I asked her out and she told me that she had made an oath to her self that she will not date any guys till she is 18.( this I already know about, she told me online one day). Don't know when to stop, at the end of the conversation, I told her that i Love her, which she didn't not say it back, Just giving me this big big smile.


The next day I tried to keep thing normal and all. I dont want her to feel uncomfortable and weird. I talked to her and walked her home like usual.


It had been 3 weeks since It happeneded, I dont know if I should do.


Can some one help

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The first thing you want to do is step back a little bit. Try not bringing her lunch everyday . . .if you do, she'll take you for granted. Don't ever tell any girl you love her again until you've been her boyfriend for at least a few months. This is a sure way to scare away any person when told this too early on.


Also, next time you like a female, try to not tell her. She'll give you signs that she likes you back, such as spending more time with you, talking on the phone to her often and especially at night, and seeing her on weekends.


For now, withdraw some and rethink your approach with her. Remember, she'll take you for granted if you continue to give her the world. Give her some, then step back. Ask her for some favors as well. Human nature tells us that people tend to have better feelings toward us WHEN THEY DO US A FAVOR, and not the opposite. So, ask her for a favor.

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