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My best friend is flirting with my boy friend

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I have a really good friend who I have known for years, we are really close and get along well but she's started being really flirty round my boyfriend - trying to attract his attention all the time and he's noticed and is responding discretely. I know she doesn't fancy him so why is she doing it? Should I talk to them, because I don't want to hurt their feelings or anything?

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First of all make sure she is flirting. Sometimes, when we are insecure we may see things were there are none. Maybe you can ask another friend you trust that won't say anything to her if she notices this too. Maybe set up to hang out with your bf, your best friend and this other friend.


If you are sure that your best friend is flirting with him, she is not really being a friend. Best friends do not flirt with their friend's br. Don't put up with it. I do several things: keep distance from her, and try not to hang out with her and your bf together if it makes you feel uncomfortable.


You can talk to her. You can tell her straight, something like, hey so and so, do you like my bf? I notice you do a heck of a lot of flirting with him and makes me feel very uncomfortable when you flirt with my bf. I consider you my best friend and will appreciate if you stop that, it is very inconsiderate. If you don't want to loose our friendship I suggest you stop that.


Or just tell her a story something like, (make it up) Oh, I can't believe what people do! I;m so upset. My cousin who is such a nice girl, just told me that her best friend keeps flirting with her bf. What a little tramp. My poor cousin is feeling so bad about this. I don't think that girl really cares about her or is her best friend. What do you think of this? I don't know what I would do in that case, oh well, you are such an amazing friend I know you will never do something like this to me.


Just let her know in some subtle way you notice this and that she should stop this disconsiderate behaviour.


Also DO NOT tell your bf about this. Learn this now that you are 14. Never bring the attention of a guy to another girl even if just to tell him that it bothers you that she flirts with him. Most guys are clueless and sometimes when you tell a guy something like this they start seeing the person in a different way and may start noticing them.


What ever you decide to do good luck. But if this is really happening don't put up with this type of disrespectful behaviour. That is just very inconsiderate, and if your friend is really doing this, start considering that she may not really be trustworthy or your friend.

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