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Women who push good men away for no reason?

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I would like to hear from women who have a history of pushing good men way and who sabotage good relationships due to their own fears, insecurities, and low self esteem issues.


I've been posting about my current situation and any insight helps because this just happened to me.

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Im like this in a way.


Its just that I set High standards and if the guy isn't fufiling my criteria for the guy, then its easy to say Its over!


But ive been trying to work with this forever now! And its like whatever... Ide reather be alone and Try to love myself before messin with another relationship or corrupting someone elses feelings and stuff...

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This is dsb's friend and I am a girl who can give insight into this situation. The girls who push away the nice guys are not happy with themselves or have gone through some bad relationships and are skeptical of a guys motives when they are being nice. I had a guy friend who was in love with me for 5 years and I wouldn't give him the time of day. it wasn't until the guy I was dating who was a complete jerk and I broke up that I gave him a chance. he did everything right but I was waiting for the bottom to drop out and for him to treat me like crap. bottom line....stay away from girls like this until they get over their pasts and can see the great guy in front of them!!!!

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alright, im a woman who is in the middle of this right now... im mostly doing it because im just not ready to settle down yet... being only 15 and all... and truthfully... he kinda scares me... he loves me... theres so much i could lose if i totally give myself to him... and i suppose im cutting it off also because im so close to that point... oh god... i just worked out why im so messed up... darn...

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Some women do it because to much is to much. Sometimes we like to get a little of that chase action as well. When men always come to us it gets a little boring. I'm not saying to ignore her, but just give her space and she will come to you. My husband use to smother me, always telling me how pretty I was, always trying to get a a hug kiss, etc. I pushed him away not because I'm insecure, or have low self esteem but because sometimes, enough is enough and we need our own space. Ya know? I love him 110% but sometimes I just wanna read my book or watch tv with out the hoovering. But I find when partners talk about their expectations it works out better.


As far as the sabatoge relationship stuff, that goes farther then my own experiences.

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