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23 years old and 3 years since I've had a single date!


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I'm 23 years old and I've never been in a real relationship - I've had a couple one-night stands and two friends with benefits -type situations that I had mistakenly invested my emotions in. I've never had anyone I could say was my boyfriend. I don't get asked out, I don't get hit on. I do not understand. I'm not gorgeous or anything, but I'm healthy and think I'm pretty/cute. I've got a good sense of humor as far as I laugh freely at things and am not offended by much of anything. I'm full of flaws but I hide them really, really well. As in a person wouldn't know about my major flaws unless/until they're actually involved. I am shy (especially around people I'm interested in) but I know lots of shy girls who've been able to get a freaking date. This has been driving me crazy! What in the world could I be doing/not doing to have this much trouble? I'm 23 and it's been almost 3 years since I've had a freaking date/sex/any romantic contact with the opposite sex. I feel incredibly abnormal.

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