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EX Boyfriend Gone Travelling

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Need advice on this issue. My ex boyfriend has left to go travelling about 6 weeks ago. The relationship ended on very good terms, he has been keeping in contact quite frequently by email but I don't know what will become of this as he has told me he love me alot but he doesn't know what way he will feel when he comes home next year. I miss him terrible and I don't know what to do his emails have been quite affectionate which I find very usual to send to someone you have just broken up with. Should I say something or should just coast along and leave things the way they are????confused!

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When you break up with someone, it takes a while to cut emotional ties. I think he may be sending you sweet e-mails because it's a habit. I think you're just best off trying to forget about him as a romantic relationship, and thinking of him only as a friend. It is nice that you two are friends, but I would ask him, "now that we're just friends, I think that the sweet romantic things you say in e-mails should stop."


It will only hurt you. Because you'll sit around wondering if he still loves you, while he's going out everynight drinking with cute foreign girls. Remember, an ex is and ex for a reason!!! No matter how much he likes you, he broke up with you, didn't he?


Take care!

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Waiting around for him for the next year in the hope that you may be able to rekindle your relationship seems a lot for you to deal with. The best thing to do is get on with your life, like he is doing with his. If you both want to meet up when he comes back and are both in a position for something to happen then all well and good, but in the meantime put tourself first.

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