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Ok, listen to this story first, im going to be brief and I wont name everything because there's so much I cant remember all of it. My best friend, calls me names, puts me down, and never takes up for me. He is always making me feel bad to the point that I've had to go see a psycologist and they are suggesting me be home bound instead of attending schools for a while. He has almost gotten me suspended 3 different times this year for something that I didn't even do. He turned all of my friends against me earlier this year and he's always competing with me to get everyone to like him better. He stole my papers and turned them in and left me getting a bad grade and him getting a good grade. I have bought him things like a drink after school or something, and its came up to about 100$ for the schol year, we spetn 2000$ on him over the summer, and he wont even give me a piece of gum. I have been there for him through everything and every situation no matter what or how wrong he was, i was there for him because thats "who i am". I've done it all.... anything he wanted, i love the kid to death, but he's taking advantage of that.


Whenever there is someone else around he always ignores me to talk to them, and when they are gone he will tlak to me, he has called me a bad friend and told me he doesnt trust me. I told him my "biggest secret" and it was very serious that i even considered suicide... he made fun of me for it and made me feel terrible, and i told him i wanted to kill myself right there on the spot because of how i felt... and he said "do it, go ahead kill urself"... and he meant it.


But now, I have a chance to get him back, everyone is starting to see what kind of a person he is, and how he is treating me, so they dont want to get involved with him. There is this girl that he likes, he is white and she is mixed. The only reason he wants to date her is because he thinks that she will have sex with him, and he wants to get her pregnant and have a kid. He WILL do it too, I know how he is, and thats all he ever talks about to me is how he wants to get his girlfriend pregnant. He is working out and he has a pretty nice body and he looks good, all for this one reason "to get a girlfriend and get her pregnant"


I think I know how to get back at him... 1st I'm thinking about letting her know about "why" he likes her, and 2nd, right now in my hand i'm holding all of his notecards to his research paper. If he fails this research paper, he fails enligsh for the year and has to take it in summer school, he is already failing spanish so he will have to drop spanish or fail 9th grade. He has made my grades go from straight A's to barely passing... made me want to kill myself, and messed me up with my girlfriends in the past... so what should i do? I really need some advice.

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Heyy...sweetie--dont be offended but he deosnt sound like much of a best friend. What he's doing to you is horrible and you should'nt have to go through with that kind of stuff. Please believe me when I say that suicide isn't the answer..if you tried everything you can do to get him to stop being such a (blank) then do what you have to do. Tell the girl what he's really up to and if you have a chance to get back to him to show him a little bit of what he's done to you then go for it. Personally I wouldn't do that unless it was an absolute last resort because I would never want to stoop as low as him. Good Luck!!!

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Well first of all, im surprised you even still call him your best friend after all he has done.


I definitely think you should tell his gf about the fact that he wants to get her pregnant because he is potentially ruining her life which isnt fair in the slightest, from what you have said, my guess is that if he did get her pregnant then shed never see him again. This really is a serious issue, you need to tell her that he is leading her on and only wants children.


As for making him fail 9th grade, that really is upto you, but i owuldnt stoop to his level, i wouldnt like to have to look back on it and say 'ye, i made him fail that year' i think you should just ditch him and be done with it, if you look for revenge youre just as bad as him

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I think livestrong gave you good advice. If other people now know what he is like then make friends with them and forget about this guy, he is not a friend and you deserve better. Do let the girl know because otherwise he will have a negative impact on her life too. Give him back his notes, these kind of people will get their comeuppance without you having to lower yourself to his level, what goes around comes around! Good luck

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