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Kinda unsure on what I should do??


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I'll start by saying. I met this girl two years ago at a previous job. She's a beautiful girl, works hard has a very good mind set and she's definitely a good girl. When we first started dating we had known each other for a couple weeks. Everything went smooth for about two months until I asked her to go on a cruise with me. Keep in mind we're both 23. She says I have to ask my mother. At first I said okay she lives with her mom so she's just respecting her rules. Well her mom told her no so she really wouldn't go. So that was the first red flag. Well after another month went by a similar situation happened with the same outcome. So I kinda put things on hold with her a couple weeks then we went back to seeing each other. Well we had a good year and a half but her mom just controls everything. I'm ready to move on and get a home of my own and get my life together but she won't leave home because she takes care of her mom so day. My girlfriend pays the bills while her mom sits home and pops prescription pills all day. She has a 20 year old brother that won't help her. I love this girl allot and she's a great person but idk if I should move on and keep trying?!? My family is gonna be moving out of state very soon and I have no one else here aside from this girl, so I'm also stuck with the decision of if I should leave with my family or stay here and try to move on with her?!?

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No one can answer these questions but you. You have several different issues to consider here.


1. Should you stay with this girl? Talk to your girlfriend. Tell her what you see is troubling. She may just be so used to deferring to her mother that she doesn't see how her actions are affecting her relationship with you. If you did get married, would she continue to financially support her mother? Would you be okay with that?


2. Should you stay? Regardless of whether or not you continue dating your girlfriend, what are the pros and cons of staying?


3. Should you move out of state? Again, regardless of what happens with the girlfriend, what are the pros and cons of leaving?


There's no wrong answer here. Base your decisions on what would be best for you overall versus what you fear.

If matters don't work out as you hoped, you can always move back or move closer to your family.

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