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My bf is being shady. Can anyone help?

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Hi everyone,

Me and my bf are fighting again. For the past 4 days we've been fighting and I have no idea why. When I ask him what's up, he says that he's fine, but he's not acting like everything's good. For instance, when things are going good, he's very touchy feely-likes to cuddle, etc. These past few days he hasn't even touched me once...seriously. He keeps going over to friend's houses to help them out with their computer problems. I don't suspect him of cheating, but he is acting shady. Last night, i tried to just chill and do my own thing and only talk to him when he talks to me, but he seemed to enjoy that. I'm seriously considering leaving because this problem always comes up. What should I do? We have an appointment for couples counseling in 2 weeks, but i'm not sure if i can wait that long for things to resolve. Please help me!

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We've been together over 2 years and we're living together. We're practically engaged. I say practically because we've agreed to get married, but he hasn't officially gotten down on one knee and asked me with a ring to give me. I know lots of people who aren't necessarily married that need to go for couples counseling.

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I agree he's acting shady... It would seem to me (assuming he has no history of cheating and you are confident that he is a faithful guy) that you have done something which has hurt him, and this is his way of dealing with it. If over two years this is the first time he has acted "distant" then something is on his mind. The unfortunate part is that you can't ask him what, it seems he may not want to talk about it. And trust me, if a guy doesn't want to talk about his feelings with a girl, no matter how much you push it won't get you anything.


It may do you some good to talk to his friends, find out what is wrong. Maybe there is something going on which you don't realize is so significant to him.

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it seems me and my boyfriend are going thru the same thing...

it sux i kno!

has anything major happened recently? money problems, family, friends?

anything that could be stressing him out? have yous been fighting alot? do u "b*tch" like i do? (lol, ud haveta read my post to uinderstand)

how old are you guys?

maybe he has second thought abous settling down....?

i hope i could help... tho, i dont think i was very helpful

do u try ur best to be appreciative of him and he doesnt show any gratitude in return? my bf is that way... and it hurts so bad...

im sorry.... let me kno how stuff evolves

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hi everyone,

thanks for the support, at least i know that I'm not the only one with a shady bf. Sorry to hear about your situation devious. They always say boys will be boys.


With my bf nothing that i know of has happened that would make him really upset. when i ask what's on his mind, he tells me everything is fine, but then he doesn't want to spend time with me or hang out with me.


I don't want to be suspicious, but he's been hanging out with this girl from his work alot because they work the same days and they've been getting close (taking the bus home together, etc.) I would like to think that she's more my friend than his because i've spent more time with this girl one on one outside of work(we work for the same company. My bf and I have been having money problems and i b!tch a lot when things are bad, but even when after i've stopped that things, in my opinon haven't gotten better. tomorrow it makes one week since we started fighting. It's never ever been this bad.


Please help!!!

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