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worst boss ever! i need help!

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ive been working as a waitress at a restaurant for almost a month now and its been going well, accept my boss has a HUGE anger problem. if he's in a bad mood, he will freak about almost anything. yesterday i was pouring coffee for a guy and the pot was almost empty. as soon as we were away from customers he yelled "are you F****** stupid?" and he went on and on, but i didnt hear any of it because i was so shocked! i didnt do anything to ask for this treatment, i have been a good waitress, and i like this job, but i cant stand to be spoken to like that. he is just as bad to the other girls who i work with, but they are not as sensitive is i am. when he says those things, i know he is very irrational but he makes me cry so often. should i quit and let this monster get the best of me? or should i try to deal with it? [/i]

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when he does that again look him straight in the eye and say "If you ever talk to me like that again I will slap you with a harassment lawsuit so fast it will make your eyes water. And if you fire me I will sue you for that as well." Don't wait for a response but turn around and carry on with your work.

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Although I tend to agree with DN's statement, it will likely get you fired. Have an attorney lined up and find out if you are a right to work state. If you find that you are, he can fire you for just about anything and you have little recourse. Problem is, most waitstaff don't have enough money to hire a decent attorney...or any at all. Just look for a new job.

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savannahohsavannah is right: I should have said it may get you fired but that is better than putting up with that nonsense, and at least you will have your self-respect. As for legal recourse, a harassment lawsuit, or one for intentiona infliction of emotional distress, can be filed against anyone, employer or not. And you may find a lawyer who will do it on a contingency basis.

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Hey - I would file a complaint with his supervisor. I bet that you're not the first person he's done this to. Does he do this to any of the other employees? If you all come forward together, it will strengthen your accounts. Also, other people may have filed complaints in the past. If there are enough, perhaps HE'S the one that will get fired.


But, you may also consider finding a new place to work. But you have to be careful - during the interview, when they ask you, why did you leave your last place, if you start talking about how bad your previous boss was (even though it's true!) it could affect your chances of getting the job. Instead, say something like, "I wanted a change" or "I wanted to work at a place closer to home for convience."


good luck!

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