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my ''best friend'' its going on a year that we've known eachother ...introduced me to her neighbor, and i guess we hit it off...liked eachother whatnot ..well in the past they have had realations ..but she told me that it was in the past and i should go for it ..yet i felt like she didnt want this ..but me and this guy got to know eachother better for a week ..it was nice having someone in that way again...but i didnt HAVE REALATIONS with the guy ..bc i figured out he wasnt really what i was looking for bc he did drugs and drank and im not into that stuff at all ... but then things got really weird bc i still was fond of him altho i knew a realationship wouldnt work out between us without either of us sacrificing alot ...but then things seemed to get ''different'' between the two of them ...and i kept asking her ..and she would deny it ..but i just felt like there was something there when i would hang out wiht them...so finally i got a message from her while at work ...i dont call ppl unless im not busy unlike her..but it said i guess you deserve to know the truth ..and at that moment i desided im done with her i dont even want to hear the deatails ..that was bad enuf ...and then she proceded to call me 60 times thruout the day me not answering her phone calls ...then finally spoke to her online on this guys sn mind you...and she was soooo mean to me calling me a b word and saying eff you when i didnt do a thing ..it was just her trying to not feel guilty and place the blame on someone else....saying i was crazy and clingy... etc...so then this past night at like 330 am i get another message from her saying she and matt want to talk to me ...she misses my sparkling smile ..and cant take this n e more she cant eat cant sleep ..well its about time she feels as horrible as i did the past week ..bc u think ur best friend starting having sex with a guy you like ...i mean ...but i dont even really want to talk ..bc shes a pathological liar ..its what she does...i wouldnt even know what was the truth coming from her mouth if we did talk ....if anyone has any input on this situation please help me out ...i just needed to get stuff out tho ..thanks...and do u think its right to give up the friendship and move on ?

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Based on what you wrote, I would want nothing more to do with this "friend" if she is doing all of this behind your back and you can't believe what she says. Honestly, how would you ever be able to trust her in the future if you somehow did manage to work things out? Why continue to put yourself in such a situation?

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She basically did all the things that are considered "no no's" in a bestfriend type bond.

1) Betrayed you

2) lied

4) backstabbing

5) called you horrible names


That is not bestfriend material. I think you should move away from this. You do not need her negativity.

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