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Depression is hitting


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Short summary with my ex for 4 years, married for 1 year. Divorce is next month. He cheated all the relationship, he has really deep issues and messed up. He's a very confused person and I stayed through all his bs. 1.5 months ago he left me for someone else and now made If official with new girl. Btw he met this new girl 2 months ago and they work together and she has a kid. We both were each other's first and we are young 23. Even though he tried to keep me in his life 2 weeks ago but I declined, and he became ballistic non stop texting and calls. We met up this past Friday to file divorce his choice and he acted as if we were best friends, saying we always had a wonderful friendship, hugged me after and cried. Tired of his games and his emotional mess. I know I'm better off but I'm in so much pain.

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I am sorry you are in pain, but thank heavens this happened while you were still young enough to live an entire life as a healthy person. You need to get some help to figure out why you would stay with anyone, for any length of time, who screws around on you and treats you like a second-class citizen. You need to get out there and live your life -- make yourself the best soulsurvivor26 you can be so that you can live a fulfilling life. Do things that make you happy, set goals and meet them, and you will soon forget this absolute loser. Later, you will just be in disbelief that you ever cared. I guarantee it.

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I am sorry you are in pain, but thank heavens this happened while you were still young enough to live an entire life as a healthy person. You need to get some help to figure out why you would stay with anyone, for any length of time, who screws around on you and treats you like a second-class citizen. You need to get out there and live your life -- make yourself the best soulsurvivor26 you can be so that you can live a fulfilling life. Do things that make you happy, set goals and meet them, and you will soon forget this absolute loser. Later, you will just be in disbelief that you ever cared. I guarantee it.


Thank you so much I am trying my best believe me. I'm just honestly so heart broken, I know his is a blessing but I just feel so destroyed. I put up through so much.

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Why people toy with other peoples emotions really annoys me. Sorry this happened to you.


You're young and you'll actually find someone who respects you and will be deeply in love with you.


After you file for divorce go nc and disappear from his life just like he is choosing to. When he comes crawling back I hope you respect yourself at that point to keep him in your past forever.


You'll be happy again

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