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I hear what people on this site are saying, and even agree with you.....but for some

reason my heart always goes back to her....I just want answer, and to

tell her how she makes me feel....I want her to know that she is a

jacked up person, and has no regard for anyone but herself. I want to

tell her about all the terrible things she has done to me, and I want

her to know that through it all, I still feel that what happened was so

long ago, and I would be willing to work at it!! But she is so selfish

that I fel it will fall on deaf ears..... I just do not understand how

she could just leave and never look back on us, never be curious.and

pick up a phine to say hello!! ....to be honest at this point I kinda

hope that Karma pays her back, and that she has to experience some of

the pain I have felt for the past several years. I wish her to be

lonely, and to eventually pick u[p the pone. I pray that I will have

moved past this, and found happiness, but that the anger still

resides, so that I can cut into her, and tell her all of the horrible

stuff she did!!! I want to hurt her like she has hurt me, than perhaps

I can smile and go on my way!

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I know exactly what you're saying mate!!


There's a song that sums up that feeling - here's a link to the lyrics - but if you can download the tune you should because it is beautiful.


"I know I could" by Drugstore.

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Big hugs to you, I hope you feel better soon.



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This is completely common for you. It is alrght to grieve. Dude, she ripped your heart out, whatever she did. Check out my story. It is really bad what happens to people, it is that we havent found the right people yet. We think we have, but how do we know. She will realize what she did, and how much pain you must be going through. The best thing to do is not call or contact her. Out of sight, out of mind. You need to do your own thing, BUT DONT TRY TO FIND SOMEONE RIGHT AWAY or "LOOK" for someone. Just be yourself, and you will be ok. You will be happy and get over her. Trust me, I know. I was there before.

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I have to agree. I came out of an 8-month relationship that I could best describe as abusive. We had good times and very few bad, but underneath it all she was slowly and deliberately trying to make me do things I didn't want. (Marriage, children, etc) But even after all the BS that went on when I broke up with her, I can't help but look back and remember the good times we did have.


I too have been down Grief Road.... not a fun trip. The best part is to learn from the experience so as not to repeat it and the next one will be that much better Live, Learn and grow.


I've followed this advice laid down to me from several people (it's a compilation of advice) and lately, I've never been so happy for being single.

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