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Dating Multiple People

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What is your opinion on this subject? I'm interested in hearing your responses. When you're dating multiple people...


1) At what point do you tell (if at all) the person you're dating that you're also dating other people?


2) Do you think it's immoral to date multiple people without any of them knowing about each other? Why or why not?

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I don't think it's "immoral". But I have never been in that situation. If you are casually dating then I think that it's fine, until you develop feelings. Then you need to express them and cut off the other people you were casually seeing. My guess here is that you are seeing someone, now have feelings and want to know if she is dating any one else. Well ask. I know it's not "that easy" but really who else is going to know but her? P.S. her friends won't tell you the truth.

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I don't think its immoral to date more than one person. There are reasons people put up these walls in dating and judgments in order to control, but there is nothing wrong with dating more than once person. Many of these restrictions come from religion(and thats okay if that's what you believe), but I dont see why someone can't date whoever they want whenever they want.


If I was dating two girls at once, I wouldnt tell them unless they really thought it was an issue. If they have an issue with it, then that's not my problem. If she has such a big problem with it, then she would need to show me why its so bad, and why "we" should be dating exclusively. Don't go around boasting about it, but you don't need to tell the other person unless its getting very very intimate and you're thinking about becoming b/f g/f or something. Dating...is dating...that's what it is, If I had a g/f, I'm committed...but dating is not a tied down type of thing....so I don't believe there is anything wrong with it.

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I thin it is fine to date multiple people when you are doing just that - dating without commitment. I myself am honest when people when I am doing that and do not hide the fact that I am dating others. When I am doing so it usually means I am not interested in anything more at that point in my life or have not found someone who makes me interested enough to stop looking elsewhere. I would also of course be careful of where the intimacy level with these multiple dates was going.


However, when it is clear that there is really only one person I am actually interested in dating and don't want to bother with anyone else, I have that talk with them and stop dating others..in other words we become exclusive and move towards path of a relationship. First night I met my bf I knew instantly I did not want to date anyone else as I was smitten....and my judgement was right! Thought we did not have a talk about it for a couple more weeks, he felt the same way early on too.


Anyway, I tell them very early on, and while I don't know if it is immoral, I do thing there is something wrong if they think you are dating exclusively and you are not letting them know otherwise, it will suck when they find out otherwise! I personally think its best to be honest about it all so you both can do what you need to do for your own personal selves.

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Ya, as most people have said, I don't think it's immoraly bad, but it could cause confusion, seeing as your dating more than one person at a time. But I also think people should date others one at a time, so they can get the feel of being in a relationship of some kind, and see if they can bring it to another level (if it is'nt already at another level), but then again, thats just my opinion.

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