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Can Work be a good way to meet potentials?

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I find myself in this situation but would like to know if anyone else can relate to this: I have this strong attraction to a guy I know at work. Right now, I am increasingly wanting to get to know him more on a personal level. As far as taking risks, I don't think it would interfere at all in our work responsibilities as we are both employed by separate companies. Eye Contact has been very predominant in how we interact,along with casual talk. When our eyes meet, all my anxieties and worries seem to go away, I obviously feel an attraction towards him.


The last time I saw him at work,it was time for me to go home and as I was heading down the hall...I had spotted him also leaving to go home. As I followed him passing by with my eyes, he looked down the hall I was walking down and we made direct Eye Contact. Caught by surprise,and temporarily speechless... I noticed he glanced my way and signalled as if to say hello. An inviting glance.I responded, "How you doin'?" Unfortunately,very unfortunate for me, he seemed to be in a very major rush. I would have loved to open up a converso,as it would be a great chance to talk to him some more. But as I followed him out the door, I heard him say ..see yaaa.. in a very not negative tone. In fact it sounded like a mix between shy and friendly,definitely weird (in a good way at the time)


Anyhow, so I really wish he wasn't in such a rush, but.. how would you handle a potential work interest,who you connect eyes with,and then you see an opportunity like this fall through your hands. Who should take initiative here?


I would appreciate any and all comments. P.S. I'm new to this forum and I'm excited to hear your postings.



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I say take some initiative and approach him and be a little more flirtatious with him. Maybe even asking him out for lunch or something, but without seeming too desperate. Maybe you could do some research, ask people who know him for more information. maybe that could be a cutesy way to get his attention (like that person saying "That girl was asking about you man").


Or you could not listen to me, because I am a guy!

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