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ok this guy ive been with for like a year has this pattern. we go out for a bit then he strays but always comes back. its like with all the other girls including the ones before me he messes with them for like 2 days or whatever then comes back to me. he has even told me that they meant nothing and that he like being with me where i am rather than at his house. he never goes out with other ppl. like our friends usually unless im with him and when ever we fight he always is the one to apologize. we do everything together. we share everything. but is it good that he always comes back to me when he never went back to the others? help!!

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Are we talking about your boyfriend, or your un-neutered male cat?


Because if we're talking about your cat, I think you should take him to the vet and get him fixed. If we're talking about your bf... then... take him to the vet also! LOL


No, seriously, no... this is NOT good ... he goes out for a few days, sniffs around for someone better, doesn't find it, and comes 'home'. This doesn't sound like a great relationship to me. Don't you want someone who is faithful to you and wants to be with you? Not someone who is just with you until something "better" comes along?


I say ditch him, and fast! good luck!

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