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Ask for number, but never call?!

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I don't get it, Why would a guy ask for your number and then never call?

( This is the first time this has ever happened to me)


Let me give a bit of background. I was walking around a store, and I caught his eye, we ended up in the same isle he kind of looked at me and started to walk away then all of a sudden he stopped and turned around.


He started with "I don't usually do this but..." ( why do guys always say that?) He said I was beautiful, this led to that and he got my number.


He seemed nice and sure of himself and we had a nice little conversation, but he never followed up.


I know he could have lost it or been really busy, those possibilities aside, does it make any sense to go to all that trouble?


Will someone please enlighten me on the workings of the male brain!

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id be happy to enlighten you on how the male brain works....only i have no clue. i honestly can say that i have asked for girls numbers and then never called back. hell i still have them 9 months later. we as males dont think. lol but really it seems like its just the fact of having the number. a lot of times they wont call because they are like me and suck at talking especially on the phone. he also was nervous im sure i mean how many ppl do u know that go up and ask for a stranger's number. hahaha but as far as how the male brain works mine is to small for me to understand and i dont think anyone will ever be able to. sorry

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OOOOOOOOOOO how the male mind works well it is a lot more complex than you might think. In this case he could have asked for your number as a spontanuoes thing, but then later on he could have started thinking bout calling and then kept thinking and if you think too much you are never going to get anything done.... Its the sad truth that overthinking is often the killer of action!

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So how long should I wait before I just forget about it? I am thinking a week and then I will just put in my head that he will never call and forget about it.


Guys, how long have you waited to call a girl? do you sometimes just not call?


Usually, guys call me the next day and sometimes even within a few hours.

It has been 4 days. This baffles me.

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So, he finally called. It has almost been six days. Sadly I didn't get to talk to him. He called at 4:30 in the morning, I didn't really feel like jumping out of bed and rushing to my phone at that time.


Maybe I was better off without him calling. Talk about disresepectful, calling someone in the middle of the night that you don't even know.


( I know i sound like a very critical person, i finally get what i wanted, but then that isn't even good enough. Seriously think about it, its wrong! And very few people would even think of doing it; well, except for him.)


He also didn't leave a message, he is the only one I have given my number to lately that has been "unaccounted for," that is how I know it is him.


Should i just wait until he calls again?

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I don't want to offend you or say that this is necessarily what happened but it could be a possibility that he just asked for your number just "for practice" and to see how you would react so that later he could use the same technique and the experience on somebody else. Also, do you have called ID? Try calling him back...shukarus

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take it easy! girl..i've taken girls fone numbers and not called up for a good 10-15 days..but usually i call within 3-4 days.mayb he's busy, maybe he doesnt feel like goin out..who knows!..if this guy had the guts to ask ur fone number in a department store aisle, he probably knows what he's doin..but he culd be in a situation..mayb he had a fight with his gf in the mornin but got back with her in a day..if he's single..he's gonna call..try not to think 2 much into it until he does nd dont hold it against him when he does call!

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